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It was hungry. Possibly angry. It just didn't exactly know what anger was. To her, all in the world was staying alive. It needed to stay alive. All those years. Passing by. She couldn't move. There was always someone to look at her. She grew weaker. Slowly she felt, she was beginning to crack. She needed to move and eat. All that soon or she would have grumbled to pieces.

Once, she had been a marvelous piece of art. That was her weakness. People and creatures. They were all watching her. Now that she was almost broken, they had forgotten her. Like they always did. now she was just old statue in the wild. Feeding on animals and trespassers who weren't careful enough. But still, she wasn't nearly strong as she used to be. She was slowly getting back her looks, but these didn't matter. All, that suddenly mattered was that she wasn't in the wild anymore. She was in some kind of blue box, what was bigger on the inside and there was a person looking at her, asking her or himself, how she had go inside. She didn't know. But there was time energy. She was slowly getting stronger. Just by standing there.

Doctor was honestly scared. Somehow an angel had gotten into the TARDIS. One of those stone ones. He had no idea why or how. But she was quite a beauty. Or had once been. It was weak.

He tried to get it out of the ship, but it didn't budge. Doctor had no idea why though. They always moved when you pushed or pulled them, But not this one. It almost seemed like the TARDIS was holding it to her floor, not letting go. Then only way to deal with the situation was to always look at it. Hard job, but possible for a timelord.

And so she stayed there for years. Many, many years. She didn't feel hunger, she was beautiful and in her complete power. Doctor talked to her, but even if she would have wanted to answer, she couldn't. There was always something keeping her from moving.

Even if she could have moved, she couldn't have talked. She was a stone. Even if a angel, she had no voice. But she wanted to answer. Sometimes, it almost felt like she was in pain because she stayed silent.

There was something she felt, but couldn't express even with words in her mind. It was new feeling. In all her years and days, never had she felt that way before. It was mysterious and almost painful, but she couldn't stop feeling that way. She had tried. This feeling always came back.

The angel stayed with Doctor for a long time. Timelord  had almost forgot that it hadn't been part of TARDIS since the beginning.

Doctor started to worry when nothing about the statue changed as time went by. She should have started to crack. She couldn't feed on anything.

Doctor had talked and argued with the statue for a really long time and had developed some kind of caring for it. No cracks was making him worry, 'cause then there was something wrong with the angel. 

"Hey, are you okay?" asked he once, but then let out little laughter

"Of course. I'm insane. I always look at you. You can never move. Even if you could move, you couldn't answer me and I'm pretty sure that if you could, you wouldn't tell me if you're not okay."

He sighted, sat down in front of the angel and said quietly

"I'm so alone. I even started to talk to the weeping angel who is my enemy and who could never talk back. It's sad. Really." 

He didn't say anything after that for a long time. Sometimes, the silence was just more powerful and had more meaning that any word could express.

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