Primo Uomo

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Jason's Point

I walked into the theater and sang as I read the news

"Mystery after gala night
It says, Mystery of soprano's flight
Mystified, all the papers say
We are mystified, we suspect foul play

Still, at least the seats get sold
Gossip's worth its weight in gold

What a way to run a business
Spare me these unending trials
Half your cast disappears
But the crowd still cheers
To hell with Gluck and Handel
Have a scandal and you're sure to have a hint"

Will they all walk out?
This is damnable" Percy sang as he came in

"Percy, please don't shout

t's publicity

And the take is vast
Free publicity"  I sang

"But we have no cast" Percy sang

"Percy, have you seen the queue?
Oh, it seems you've got one too" I sang as I noticed the letter in his hand.

"Dear Percy, what a charming gala
Solace was in the world's sublime
We were hardly bereft when Octavian left
On that note the diva is a disaster
Must you cast him when he's seasons past his prime" Percy sang as he read his letter out loud

"Dear Jason, just a brief reminder
My salary has not been paid
Send it care of the ghost
By return of post, PTO
No one likes a debtor
So it's better if my orders are obeyed" I sang as I read my letter out loud

"Gods what have we gotten ourselves into?" Percy asked

"At least we have enough to play thos guy after last night" I said waving my letter

"How much do we have after?" Percy asked

"Not much" I said with a sigh

"Where is he?" Drew sang as she ran in.

"You mean Octavian?" I sang

"I mean Will Solace, where is he?" Drew sang

"Well, how should we know?" Percy sang

"I want an answer
I take it that you sent me this note" Drew sang

"What's all this nonsense?" I sang

"Of course not" Percy sang

"don't look at us" I sang

"He's not with you, then?" Drew sang

"Of course not" I sang

"we're in the dark" Percy sang

"Monsieur, don't argue, isn't this the letter you wrote?" Drew sang wave a letter in our faces

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