Wake up call

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Donnie's POV

I sighed, looking down at my little brother. It had been 2 weeks since the incident, and Mikey still wasn't awake. I was sitting on the edge of his bed. I had already checked him over. He hadn't changed at all. His wounds were recovering well, but that didn't change the fact that he was still in a coma. I was starting to lose hope for him. I really didn't want to lose my brother, but I suppose he wouldn't be gone for long before I would see him again. That didn't make me feel any better though, because if he doesn't make it, he'll have died at such a young age, and he was always so appy and energetic. The world needs more of those people. The people thet'll talk to anyone. The people that'll get along with anyone. The people that always have a smile on their face and can make anyone smile. It'd be really sad to have to let one of those people go so early. I heard the door open behind me, but I ignored it.

"Donnie?" I heard G's voice. I sighed. I had been a real asshole to her lately, and I felt bad abbout it.

"Yeah?" I sighed. I heard her sigh too.

"Do you not like me anymore?" She asked sadly. I sighed and turned to her.

"No sweetie, I'm not mad at you or anything. I shouldn't be acting this way towards you." I said, pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back.

"It's ok, you're under a lot of pressure rght now, trying to keep him alive and stuff... And you know, yourbrothers. I don't blame you." She said gently. I sighed.

"That doesn't give me an excuse to treat you badly though." I said.

"It's okay though. I understand where you're coming from and I don't blame you. No matter what you're still a great boyfriend." She said. I smiled a little bit.

"Thanks G, I love you." I sighed.

"I love you too." She said. I heard something move behind me. I let go of her and quickly turned to Mikey. I started checking him over again, when suddenly, he stirred a bit. I gasped.

"Mikey? Mike can you hear me?" I asked gently. He stirred some more and made a small noise. I was getting excited now, maybe he was okay!

"Mikey, if you can hear me, please, do something, anything." I pleaded. He groaned a bit and scrunched up his face. He was really trying hard to wake up, I could tell.

"Mikey, Mikey stop stop, calm down buddy. Just relax, you'll wake up." I said gently, but he didn't stop. if anything, he tried harder. He was scared. Of what, I had no idea, but I was worried now.

"Mikey, are you ok? Mike, what's wrong?" I asked, trying to stay as calm as possible for his sake.

He started to stir more, looking like a dog having a nightmare. He looked so scared, he was trying so hard to wake up. Suddenly, his eyes shot open. He started breathing heavily.

"Where am I?" He asked quickly, "What's going on? What's happening?"

"Hey hey hey, Mikey, calm down, you're at home, you're safe." I said gently, taking his slightly less injured hand gently. He started to try and calm down his breathing.

"Donnie?" He asked.

"Yeah Mike, I'm here." I said gently.

"We're in the lair?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're in your room buddy." I assured him. He visibly relaxed.

"Thank God." He sighed.

"Mikey, why were you so freaked out?" I asked. He sighed again.

"Get Leo and Raph and Splinter in here, and G, could you please leave? This is something I just wanna keep in the family right now." He said, his voice raspy. I nodded and turned to G.

It's not over yet (sequal to IRTGU, TMNT Donnie fanfiction)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now