Evil clone battle

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"I am."
We both said in unison. Jughead looked at me angrily. I lovejughead with all my heart but I can't love him if I'm not here.
"Listen please don't shoot either of u-"
Jughead tried to speak but was cut off. I don't want to die. But I don't want Jughead to die either.

We looked about the same. We both had bruises and a bit of blood from beating each other up. My eyes were bloodshot from crying and his were for being high. The only difference was I was wearing the beanie.

"God why did jugbrain get that jughead reaffirming surgery?" The butler said turning to the other ones. What would jughead say to that.

"Samuels dead?"
"Fucking creep."

Fuck. I forgot he didn't know that Samuel died the butler turned around suspicious
"Jughead you should know that."
"No sir that was jugbrain pretending to be jughead."
"So wait who should know Samuels dead?"
"Brain or head?"
"Head-I mean brain"
"Now it's just con-"
"Why don't you ask us something jughead would know."

I cut them off. They were confusing me at this point.

"Favourite candle scent?"
We both said at the same time
"Toothpaste brand?"
"Used to use crest 3D white but recently switched to Colgate."
Once again we said it at the same time
"Favourite butler?"

Both of the butlers looked really offended. But they both nodded knowing that Samuel was jugheads favourite. Then. They said something that would prove it all.

"How many teeth do you have?"
"Thirty four."

It felt like time was moving in slow motion. The butlers looked to each-other and nodded. I don't want him to die. I want him here with me.
I tried to stop them but just as I went to a gunshot rang out. It was like my brain was screaming to jump in front of that bullet but I couldn't get my legs to move. I watched helplessly as the bullet hit jughead in the chest and sent him flying to the ground. My heart shattered into a million pieces that I wish jughead could put back together

I crashed down to the ground next to him. He was barely alive. I put my hand over this bullet wound on his chest and put as much pressure on it as I could
I yelled trying to get one of the butlers to realize what they did.

"It's alright jughead."

One of them said walking over and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"He's gone now."

I slowly looked from jughead to him seeing an evil grin on his face. What a cliché.

I couldn't help but smile. What was I doing with my life? I felt a laugh escape my lips as I kept eye contact with the butler. He face fell from a grin to realization.

"Your not-"

"You got the wrong jug."

My eyes burned as tears fell from them. Jughead starting moving and I turned to him.

I said with a sad smile trying to make him seem like I'm okay.

He struggled and coughed before he finally spit up
"Im to high for this shit?"
He coughed up blood which matched the large amount flowing out of his chest. My hands were covered in it. He settled down his body relaxing.
"Jughead?" I slapped the side of his face lightly.

His body went limp and his eyes stopped darting around the room. I heard the butlers whispering behind me but I could care less. The man I love is dead and that's all I care about."

"Should we shoot you too?"
I got pulled out of my trance by the butlers voice.
I half whispered half cried.
"You're who we meant to shoot. You killed Samuel. Should we kill you?"

I looked into the butlers eye and they looked emotionless.
"How the fuck can you ask me something like that right now?" I could almost laugh at the absurdity.

He stayed quiet with the gun aimed at me. He wouldn't pull the trigger I give off too much main character vibes.

"Do me a favour, turn that fucking gun around and pull the trigger."

All the butlers gasped at the comment as if they didn't just kill a guy. There the murderers not me. I loved Samuel. I loved jughead.

I got up off my knees and walked excessively close to the butler with the gun aimed at me. So close our foreheads we're touching.

"Should I kill you?" I asked whispering.

The butler shook his head

"No? BRING HIM BACK THEN." I yelled pointing at jughead.

I felt more tears fall down my face as I half whispered "bring him back or I swear to god I'll fucking kill you and all your butler bitches."

Just as I said that the door got kicked open. The cops were here? I walked up to them.

"Thank god your here they just killed the man I love."

"Jugbrain please put your hands on your head your being charged on the kidnapping and eventual murder of jughead." There were three cops and the only woman one pulled out her cuffs as one of the other guys walked over to hold me

"WHAT NO THAT BUTLER BOOTY KILLED HIM HE HAS THE GUN I WOULD NEVER HURT HIM." I yelled struggling out of the cops grasp As he held onto me. Well fuck back to the psych-ward I guess. I've never voluntarily went there but it seems like all roads lead back to that shithole

With there shithole food
Shithole beds
Shithole people

I probably looked like a mess. Getting dragged out in cuffs tears running down my face covered in o+ blood (jugheads blood type) and wearing his beanie. The man who I use to love's beanie.

I got slammed into the back of the cop car and the cops left to ask the other butlers what happened.

I sat in the back of the cop car in silence. I stared at my hands shackled and coated, I couldn't help but cry harder. If I didn't take Samuel out to see that movie and he didn't die maybe jughead would be okay. Fucking vin diesel killed Samuel and in correlation killed jughead

That speed racing Dwayne the rock Johnson wannabe motherfucker is deader than dead.

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