Animal Porn WTF

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Ok.I respect ships even if it's Sonadow but the pics are just nasty.And not only those pics but pics of even my favorite ship Knouge.I love them with all my heart and love a good make out between them but the pictures?My Chaos there are some nasty pictures of ships these day.A lot of gross pictures.I've seen pictures of them even having sexual intercourse and I puked.

I mean come on people!They're animals for God's sake!What is the world coming to???Animal porn???I'm only saying this because it's like turning a kid show into rated r movies...and lemons are ok(for me only if there is no gay or lesbian ships)because even I like reading lemons.(only of my favorite ships)But the pictures are going over board!

It's giving me nightmares!All I search up now is Knouge and boom!There is a picture of them being all freaky *shivers*It's just really scaring me...😱


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