Chapter 3

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I'm so sorry guys. I'm very happy that you guys are patient so here it is.


After waking up and doing my morning routine, I walked down to the lounge. All the guys were there probably talking about something important because they all had serious looks on their face. I tip toed into the room and was about to walk towards the front door but I was stopped.

"Where are you going?" Soyru asked, calling out to me.

" guys seem to be talking about something important so....I-I'm just going to go."

"No. Stay." Eisuke said. "I have something I need to talk to you about."

"U-Uh...s-sure." I stood in front of him fiddling with my fingers.

"Caroline and her father, are going to attending dinner with us today. You are going to come with me so finding something nice to wear."


I walked out of the lounge and entered the elevator. 'She reminds me so much of him...' I thought. Walking out into the lobby, I glanced around accidently bumping into a worker. 


"O-Oh....I'm sorry."

She scoffed, "You are such a patheic girl. " She raised her hand as if she were to hit me and was bringing it down. I closed my eyes out of instint and waited for the pain but it didn't come.

"I'm pretty sure that it is made clear that we, who work at the Tres Spades, are suppose to make our guests happy."

I opened my eyes and saw Eisuke! 

"Oh, Mr. Ichinomiya, you see she-"

"Obivously, you don't know you don't know how to treat the guests as well."

"W-What do you mean?" She asked suddenly fearful.

"According to some of the workers, you have putting a lot of your work on them. You are abusing the power in your position. So, I'm going to depromote you."

Her eyes held anger and she stomed away.

Eisuke looked at me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I turned red and looked the other way. "You are too close." I said trying to push him away.

He ignored me and pulled me towards him, not caring about those who were staring. I placed my hands on his chest and he grabbed them and leaned his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes and felt a pair of lips on myy forehead. It was gentle and soft. I'm a little disappointed that it wasn't my lips. WAIT! WHAT AM I SAYING?! SNAP OUT OF IT.

Opening my eyes, he smiled gently at me and I smiled softly. We act kinda like a real couple. He took my hand and placed a bag in my hand. 

"Go change." He said. I nodded and made my way to the nearest store and went into their fitting room.

Changing into the outfit (The Picture), I smiled softly to myself thinking about Eisuke. Walking out of the store, I see all of the guys their.

"Are you all going?" I asked softly, coughing a little afterwards.

"No. Soyru is coming, the others are just watching."

"So....technically we are coming Boss." Baba said.

Eisuke rolled his eyes and placed his arm in front of me. I wrapped my arm around his and we made our way to the limo. Get ready for another day with Caroline...


"SOYRU!" I hear Caroline yell as I make my way out of the limo with the help of the driver.

"Huh? I thought she loved you?" I said to Eisuke.

"Its all part of the plan. She would fall in love with Soyru not me." He said smirking.

I shrugged and made my way into the expensive resturant. Sitting next to Eisuke, I see Caroline look at Soyru with dreamy eyes.

"So Eisuke, before we talk about our deal I was wondering if you would be able to show Caroline around Japan."

"Of course." He replied smiling to Mr. Bucci

"I've noticed that your lady friend has cracked out of her shell a little."

"Yeah." He said not even looking at me.

"Soyru, guess what?! I'm really good at singing even better than this bitch." She said pointing to me.

I didn't even bother looking at her. I just looked out at the window just thinking about my next song. Beginning to tap the table with my nails, I didn't see the food being served until I heard a plate placed in front of me. I looked at it and gracefully began eating.


"What do you think of this dress, Eisuke?" Caroline said showing her a white dress.

"Don't you think you should wear black since it would make you look slimer?"

Caroline dragged him with her. I'm just standing here with Soyru. Eisuke has been avoiding me since we had lunch with Mr. Bucci and Caroline. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Hey Soyru, I'm going to be over there." I said pointing to the dresses on the other side. He nodded and went back to whatever to what he was doing.

Walking over to the dresses, I saw someone I knew for such a long time. 


I was glomped by my best friend, Katarina.

"Did you leave that boyfriend of yours? Hey is that your new one behind your back? Who is that girl? So not in fashion. Anyway how are you?!" She asked excited

Giggling softly, "Yes. Yes. Caroline. Good." I said saying the answers in order.

"No way~! You trained. Yay! Anyway, I gots to go, you know where to find me, oh and also here are some tunes for you to write." She said walking over but throwing me a flash drive before she did.

"Who was that?" I heard Eisuke said from behind me.

Now, he pays attention? Wow. "No one. " I say holding the ends of my sleeves in my palms and walking past him.

Making my way to the penthouse elevator, I sighed softly before freezing in fright.

"Hello, my dear lover, did you think you could run away?"


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