Ch 5: SHE IS MY -

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Pov :

she is here .. she is right here in this town ... the one whom I was searching from ages , but she is just the way she was just like that her long black hairs , her doe shaped eyes ..

Damnn how much I missed her !!

It has been so many painful years we'd be apart or rather we were ripped apart .. I had lost all hopes to meet her back ever again ...

And yet she was sitting in front of me in the orientation program as a freshman ...

My pulse drummed in my ears when for the first time after so long years I hold her in my arms she was right here but what I saw in her eyes was nothing towards me ... Just few lines on her forehead contemplating what happened and nothing much ...

She didn't recognised me !!!

What have they done to her ...

She don't remember her Neo ...

POV end

" Neil "

" RV she is here right in front of me .. you saw right "

RV nodded and gave Neil a sympathetic look .. he knows his best friend well as much as he is a cold old Vanp for the supernatural world from whom all are scared he is lonely without her ...


She was his beem of light

But one day everything got changed and he lost her ...

I saw him becoming what he is today a lifeless , loveless bloodsucker .. but today I saw him standing helpless too as much as he wants to just crush her under his arms he knows he have to be patient ..


But not longer RV saw his friend marching furiously towards first floor of the college in a split of a second from the other end of the big ground of the college to the gate he just crossed it in blink of a eye ..

Perks of been fastest Vampire living right ...

RV followed his friend to keep a check on him ...

While Neil Marched towards Karan's cabin where Siya was still there .. they were thinking for the ways to get back Avni who she is ... To make her realise what her actual powers are ...

" You filthy big fur dog I will kill you what have you done with her "

Neil grabbed Karan's shirt collar

"Neil leave him "

RV tried to pull him apart from karan he knew where a Wolf and Vampire meet this is not something like the two darling bestfriend meet up even though they were the epitome of friendship once in supernatural world ...

Things change you know !!!

Finally RV was successful in tearing both to each corner while Siya was guarding Karan and RV to Neil ...

"Tell me what happened to her .. what you did with her " Neil hissed

" Neil please listen to me calmly " Siya practically begged to Neil to listen her for once but was he ready to hear her ? No

" No " Neil growled at Karan - Siya his growl was so terrifying that for once Siya shivered ... "Tell me what you did to her .. ( to karan ) you never can see her happy ain't you because she was best and the supernatural world used to hail by her name right you were jealous of her right so you thought to just plot against her am I wrong you were the one to take her away from me .. you separated her from me " Neil was roaring on Karan and Siya his emotions today was highten so much he couldn't think today how to react for once seeing her after so long years ...

" enough you bloodsucker , do you think so low of me ? do you think she dont remember you and us is my freaking fault ? got damn Neil is my SISTER " karan growl with equal anger and frustration . with equal pain as much as Neil was hurt he too was broken cause the girl who was their life didnt remember them anymore . she dont know who she is ... Her loved once ... Nothing ... They were her home once and now she don't even recognise her home anymore ... " But you know what I was protecting her and I am still protecting her from going through all the pain ... I had told you and I will still stuck to the same I was not the one behind whatever happened with us years back "

"You know what I don't believe you " Neil hissed he was ready to charge on Karan anytime but thanks to RV he kept his hold on him tight ...

" Neil listen to me " it was now Siya she was trying to persuade him one last time .. " Neil you have to believe us we found her with much greater difficulty .. you don't know in what is she going through ... Even it hurt him too knowing the girl who was once lifeline for her three brothers don't remember them .. "

Neil's anger slowly faded his blood red eyes were now back to ocean blue one .. but with each words what Siya said sank his heart and fell through the other side of world ...

On the other hand

Even though Avni was now sitting in the first day orientation program physically but her mind was still back to the incident happened half n hour ago ... She was trying hard to just get back what just happened she wanted to know about those flashes but she don't know whom to ask ...

She was not able to sit back for long and hence decided to go out of the Auditorium ..

Strolling around she just wanted to see that same guy once again .. but he is stranger right ? IDK ... But he looks familiar don't you think heart ? Maybe ..

Constant battle of her heart and brain was just making her go crazy ... She was deep in her thoughts when she heard another deep raspy voice ..

" College is for studying and roaming around "

The raspy voice belonged to none other than

Sameer Luthra

Looking at this tall man Avni was rooted in her spot ..

In Karan's cabin :

"Neil belive me this is the only way please Neil .. if we want her back we have to do this " Siya finally concluded telling Neil everything and was looking at him with hopeful eyes ..

But Neil and karan were ready to defy Siya they were standing practically digging holes in each other skin's ..

"If you both want her back you both have to work together on this " that's it this was the last nail she hammered hoping if her death was once a reason to separate this two then bringing her back can bring this two too


Holla fellas

We are back with next chappy ..

Tell us your opinion about The update and anything you want to say about #NeilRan What do you think will they work together ... ?

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Do tell me so far are you liking my plot or not if any suggestions feel free to share


Vidhi & aksharaakkuz ❣️

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