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Name: Ōkami Tafu
Kanji: 狼タフ
Meaning: her name means "Tough wolf"
Gender: Female (she, her)
Age: 19
Sexuality: Pansexual
Hight: 5'3
Weight: 119 lbs
Birthday: August 5th
Zodiac sign: Leo the lion
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Lifestyle: Works for a gang with her dad who is the leader
Occupation: None
Any facts: She was raised in this gang so to her it's like her entire family in one. Even through they aren't related by blood they are close together like a family.

Backstory: Tafu was born in Tokyo, as a only child. So of course she was spoiled like hell. But all she wanted to do was fight the main five. Which is the five strongest and best fighters in the gang. She wanted to be one when she got older. But yet the older she got the more pressure got to her because she was going to be the next leader soon. Though soon enough she was going with the main five. It was the best time for her.
   When she was about 7 her mother got into a accident with another gang. She sadly died with a infected wound on her side. And Tafu was there when it all happened. She couldn't do anything because she was to weak. All she could do was cry. So when she is the leader and part of the main five she is going to get back on the gang that killed her mother. As soon as she can

Personality: She is very stubborn at first. She doesn't speak much and she has a little bit of a attitude. And a lot of sarcasm. She chooses weather or not she wants to be nice with someone. She doesn't like to show her soft side. When she does it's mainly with her "family" or a gang. She loves to show off to anyone how strong she is. She likes to show how powerful she is so people can be scared of her. She likes seeing the fear in peoples eyes so she tends to show little to no emotion.
     When she is comfortable around you, you will know it immediately, she will be more softer tone and offer you more then she usually does, and she opens up to you more then she really would. And she won't be afraid to ask you for help. And you get to see the soft side of her.

Hobbies: fighting. Thats basically the only things she does.

Likes: spicy ramen, sunsets, moon-lit sky, rice, her family, tattoos, knives, fireworks, music, late night talks, stuffed animals, ect

Dislikes: loud people, controlling people, admitting she is wrong, braggers, egotistical people, sushi, anyone who disrespects her family, ect


"Get out of my way."


"Family is Family. If I think of them as a part of me they are apart of me."


"Disrespect me again see what happens."


"Do you even know who you are talking to?!"


"I miss my mom. Everything I do is for her. My dad says I'm an exact copy of her."

Theme song: All the good girls go to hell - Billie Eilish

Voice claim: New friends - Maty Noyes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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