1. Self Exile

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It's raining, it rarely rains in Phoenix but today it was. And I took it as a bad omen. The day I decided to move back into my dad's pack is the day it rains. I love the rain, but I love the heat of the sun more. But here I am going to a town with next to no sunshine and is constantly covered in rain clouds. It was my choice so I shouldn't be complaining.
Arizona State is always sunny and I am going to miss the heat and warmth and most of all I was going to miss my loving erratic, harebrained mother. But she is married now and I see how much of a sacrifice she is making to be with me when all she wants to do is be on the road with Nathan. With me, I'm taking a small parka to remind me of home and of course the heat. I wore my hair in a messy bun and for clothes, I wore jeans and a white eye lace top. Taking one more glance of the house I bid it farewell as got into the car with Mom and Nathan.

" All set Bells? "

Nathan asked and I nod. I had everything. Mom made sure of that.

" She's good Nate let's go. "

Mom says to Nathan. Watching them both I wished to have a mate that I would love that much one day. I'll be eighteen in a week so someday could be sooner than I think. Nathan and Mom dropped me off at the airport and just in time because as I got there they called for boarding.

" All flights to Missouri boarding now "

The announcement was made again. And I looked at both Nathan and Mom and smile.

" That's me "

I say with a sheepish grin. I gave Mom one last hug.

" Take care of yourself. "

Mom says.

" I will Mom "

I say around the lump in my throat.

Fighting back my tears I took my bags from Nathan and made my way up the tunnel and to the plane. I left without looking back I knew if I looked back I would change my mind and I was doing this for Mom, for her happiness. When I saw my seat I wanted to swear. A big fat guy was my company. I try my best to ignore fatso but it was hard. The plane hadn't taken off yet and already he was stuffing his face.


When I sit next to him he shoots me a greasy smile. I rolled my eyes and took out my headset and iPod and started listening to my favourite song.

" Dancin' in the kitchen, you singing my favourite songs

Swinging on the front porch, just laughing at the dogs
How you swear you love me more
When you're whisperin' goodnight
All those little moments are every reason why

I'm homesick
This feelin' that I'm feeling'
No, it doesn't quit
It's like half of me is missin'
Heaven knows that all I wanna do
Is be alone with your brown eyes all tangled up
Just holdin' onto you tonight
Until the mornin'
Baby that's the damn truth
If the home is where the heart is
Then I'm homesick for you

Well it says, Kane Brown
On a sign with a line out the door
It sold out some little town
I've never been before
Yeah, they're screamin' my name
This is what we dreamed about
But out here singin' about you, baby, all I think about

That is how I'm homesick
This feelin' that I'm feelin'
No, it doesn't quit
It's like half of me is missin'
Heaven knows that all I wanna do
Is be alone with your brown eyes all tangled up
Just holdin' onto you tonight
Until the morning
Baby that's the damn truth
If the home is where the heart is
I'm homesick for you

Homesick for you
Yeah, yeah

I'm homesick
This feelin' that I'm feelin'
No, it doesn't quit
It's like half of me is missin'
Heaven knows that all I wanna do
Is be alone with your brown eyes, just tangled up
Just holdin' onto you tonight
Until the mornin'
Baby, that's the damn truth
If the home is where the heart is
I'm homesick for you
I'm homesick for you
Yeah, yeah "

When I finished singing the song I heard someone clap that's when I saw a girl with pixie hair and blue eyes.

" Woohoo. "

She says and then points to the seat next to her. I check with the flight attendant if it's okay and she nods her approval. Once I got the approval I go sit by the girl with the pixie hair and she smiles. I smile back a little until I caught her scent.

" You're a Ly---- "

I began to say when she cuts in and says.

" Don't tell me that you are one of those judgemental wolves, are you? "

" I'm not. "

I say a bit annoyed.

" Good that's a relief. I'm Kayla. "

She says smiling.

" I'm Bella. "

I say which earns me a smile. She smiled and I smiled back. She was nothing like the Lycans that I have read about in class. She was different. Kayla was my newly found friend one that I hope that I can keep.

" Where are you headed? "

Kayla asked suddenly taking me by surprise.

" Leawood. "

I reply.

I was about to say something else when the announcement for us to buckle our seat belts came across the intercom. Doing as we are told Kayla and I bucked up and sat right until the plane was in the air.

When the plane was finally in the air we unbuckled and then she spoke again.

" I'm headed there too, my father got a job as a medical doctor there."

She says smiling.

" How is that possible? "

I asked.

We both know that Leawood is a werewolf territory. An entire pack lives in that town. My pack.

" A treaty. Between us made it possible. "

She says.

I nod taking in the new information. A lot has changed since I've been home with Dad.

" Who are you going to stay with? "

She asked.

" My dad, Ethan Chase. "

I say.

" You're Chief Chase's daughter? "

She says in awe and I nod.

" Your father is a good man, he's fair and just and also very good with weird like you are. "

She's right. Nothing ever surprises me so I guess I got that from my Dad.

Two hours and forty-five minutes later the plane lands at Leawood Airport It's here in Leawood Missouri that I now exiled myself with a population of 34,670 half of that being my pack, blending in should be easy. The pack has lived among humans for year's never once making our existence known. And it was great until Lycans with their careless nature almost exposed us to humankind. That aside both Kayla and I were on common ground. We didn't we each other as enemies. I didn't see any reason for being enemies with someone who has done nothing wrong to me in any way. Rule as meant to be broken or sometimes bent.

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