Letter of Notice

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Dear reader,

I may have destroyed half of the school, but that's not what I'm here to talk about. I don't even know why I mentioned that. I guess just to get it off my chest or something.

Anyways, let's try this again.

Greetings earthling, I am an alien from-

Yeah, that's not true. Don't ask why I said that, you just have no idea who I am, so it's fun to lead you on.

Try three...

Hello, I am Kevin Jones. I am fourteen years old, a freshman in high school, and quite average. I don't really have any friends, but I do have a few bullies who I love with all my heart, and I get an occasional C on my report card that results in no electronics for a week.

Well, actually, that's technically not true, because...

Okay, all I'm going to say is... this letter's being written after everything that happened, so that junk up there was true, but no longer is.

Yeah... anyways...

I'm here to say that... I'm different from you. You enjoy a life similar to the one I used to have, oblivious to what I've gone through to keep you safe. I mean, I worked really hard to keep you guys safe. I even destroyed half of my school, which-Hey!- I'm not complaining about!

You guys are my first priority, technically speaking. Everything I do is for the betterment of your life. You may think your life is horrible, but, I've got a feeling my life is a lot worse...

Unless, of course, you're like me, but that's a whole different story.

This story is about me, and I don't care if you find it boring or stupid, because you will read the whole thing. And remember, I did it for your little cute life, okay? Remember that...

Your hero,

Kevin Jones

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