Chapter Two

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Kevin Jones

I woke up out of the weird laboratory-basement hole, lying on the edge of it. Doesn't really make sense, but that's what happened. It was dark outside, and I panicked.

I didn't panic for normal reasons. No, I panicked because my aunt and uncle would be furious that I wasn't home right now.

Amnesia is a strange thing, new friends.

I picked up my backpack and pulled the board wedging the door shut, throwing it behind me.

I didn't stop to think about the fact that the board had read 'Project Rebirth' or to wonder, 'Gee! I threw that board across the warehouse like a Frisbee, yet earlier I struggled to pick it up!'

Again, I was panicking. No, not because my leg was magically healed. Because my aunt and uncle were going to murder me when I got home. Priorities.


I made it home at about 7:30pm. My aunt and uncle were sitting in front of the TV and Jeopardy was just starting. I frowned, surprised that they weren't worried about my well being. Throwing my backpack by the door to announce I was home, I waited for the barrage of questions.

All I got was my aunt and uncle turning, surprised, then smiling. "Oh, you're home, Kevin!" my uncle exclaimed. "Dinner's in the microwave." my aunt added, turning back to Jeopardy. "Um, weren't you guys wondering where I was?" I asked.

Yeah, I still hadn't remembered what had happened. Ignorance and innocence is sweet bliss...

"One of your friends came by and told us where you were." my uncle mumbled, watching Jeopardy. "Ooh! What is '1945'!" My aunt yelled enthusiastically at the TV.

"My... friend?" I asked like an idiot.

"Yeah, you're friend." my uncle agreed, adding, "The kid with ginger hair I've seen you hanging around sometimes."

"Oh, Zack?" I asked. My aunt nodded, hugging her knees to her chest. My uncle turned back to me and asked, "How was track by the way?"

"Um, what?" I asked, still wondering why Zack, a kid I barely talked to, would tell my aunt and uncle a blatant lie. "You were at track, right?" my uncle asked.

My aunt turned now, frowning at me. "You should've told us, Kev! It's great that you've finally joined something!"

"Oh... Uh, yeah, sorry about that. Was too... sucked up in... Uh, school..." I trailed off, frowning to myself. My aunt and uncle turned back to the TV, my uncle yelling, "What is 'Pythagorean theorem'?" then, at my aunt, "Ha! Engineering brain at its finest!"

"Would it be okay if I ate in my room?" I asked suddenly, "I have... Uh, lots of homework."

"Of course, sweetie! Make sure Jack and Mikey have brushed their teeth and are getting ready for bed while you're up there." my aunt said.

I hurriedly picked up my backpack, grabbed my plate of mashed potatoes, gravy, and steak and practically jumped up the stairs to my room.

I put my plate on a bed stand and threw my backpack in my room before walking into the bathroom, searching for my two cousins. They were basically little brothers to me. I was always there for them. Sure, we would fight, but what siblings don't fight?

Jack was in the process of brushing his teeth, while Mikey was standing on tiptoe, frothy toothpaste dribbling down his chin. I quickly wiped away the toothpaste with a towel and pulled the stepstool from the corner to Mikey, picking him up and setting his feet on the top step.

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