chapter 3 interrogatation and test

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jason was an the interogation room

jason:*pout*i just save they lives and the arrest me? unfair

yoruka:{look the bright side we are inside now}

jason:{true hey yui any info}

yui:{i try but is gonnad be tricky hack without been detetive is gonnad take time}

jason:{all right}

an that moment the door open to reveal karen traves

karen:hey i hope you enjoy the stay

jason:i fine thank you

he sit an the chair

karen:soo you are the one who help the cadets right

jason:right it was me

karen:i see you did an good job but only it was for osf

jason:well the attack got more bigger and olso i was an the area when the others arrive and since no one was there to stop it

karen:i undestand..well thanks for the help and olso you have an nice set of abilities

jason:oh thanks{he is suspecting)

Karen:you know you mild fit for the osf

Jason:eh me oh well i guess

Karen:(maybe I can test him to know about his powers) okay I have an thing for you


Karen:I gvie you the osf test if you pass it you join the osf and the chargers are removed

Jason:just like that?

Karen:yeah soo what you said

Jason:(hmmm this can be an good chance to stay here right?)



Jason:(all right) okay I make the test

Karen:one more thing are you relate to an incident of kikuchiba

Jason:what incident?

Karen show the pictures of the ince knight and after match of the battle

Jason:... Okay yeah i got lost and end up an the city

Karen:I see an that place we find death osf are you relate to that?

Jason:I find the bodies only.. Is sad they die

Karen:is part of the job

Jason:I see

Karen:all right *stand up*you got an few minutes and you been escort to you test

Jason:oh okay

Karen leave the room

Jason:well now

Yoruka:(i sure you pass the test easy)


After an while the door open to reveal two osf soldiers

Jason:soo guess is the time

They nod as as Jason step up

Jason:okay I ready


Jason enter an buiding as he walk trough the halls along with the guard

Jason:soo where is this test and what is about?

Osf:well normally is an course you have to pass while face others but the commander want to an diferent test

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