If Only You Knew

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"How much painful could it be to be just friends?"


For Talullah Euphrasia "Eullah" Balaguer, love could have been so easy if it were not for her best friend. No matter how she hardly denies her feelings to herself, the more that it goes out of hand. All this time, she thought she would be just fine playing the "Tinkerbell-like" role in Tim's life, helping and supporting him in everything to find his very own true love.

But fate has a twisted sense of humor because she realizes that being "Wendy" is what she wanted all along. But does Ultimus Mercavah Fabroa, a.k.a. "Peter Pan," her best friend, would be able to see it, or would she end up like "Tinkerbell," who will never be chosen?

How she wished that he would look at her the same way as she does.

If only he knew, would it change everything?



By: Ken Rodriguez

GENRE: Best friend, School, Romance

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is merely coincidental.

Do not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivative works from or exploit the content of this story in any manner.


A/N: This is the modified english version of my unpublished book "If Only You Knew" (Tag-lish Version) Rest assured that the follwoing is edited and has a different take than the previous book. Kindly disregard everything before. Thanks a lot!

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