The blood of a princess

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I am a princess. I do not raise my voice, I do not get angry, and I live to serve my country and its people. My father is fortunate enough to have been to have been bestowed two princes before myself.

As Oliver puts it, "Elowen dear, why would you want to lift a finger to help this country? You don't have to. Why the most you would have to do is marry. And what's the harm in that?" then he would reach down and pinch my cheek as if i was a child who was incapable of understanding his importance as future king. Perhaps he was right in thinking that.
My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door.

"Princess Elowen. How do you do?" My personal guard Caspin stood in the door frame.
"I am rather well. How are you Sir Caspin?" I turn around on my vanity stool so that I can meet his eye.

"I am very well. I just got back from an afternoon stroll in the gardens. It was rather lovely. Would you care to join me for another? It is such a beautiful day out. Wouldn't want to waste it." Caspin has a look that tells me more than what his mouth would dare. Not with Oliver's study just down the hall.

"Of course i would love a stroll! It is a lovely day after all." I stand from the stool and make my way over to him. Taking his arm, we make our way down the long and extensive halls and into the castle gardens. This is the only place that isn't overflowing with guards.

We stay quiet for a long moment. Caspin is the first to break the silence.

"Someone is coming. Within a week's time, you will face the same fate as your mother. If you want to escape, we must do it soon." his voice is calm but the grip of his hand on mine tightens. I am sure because he knows what my answer will be.

"My mother wasn't afraid to face the music. Neither am I." I pat his hand lightly with mine. "This was my mothers fate and now it is mine. I could not stop it then and I can not stop now " I keep my head held high. "Even if we run, they will find me eventually. That I can promise." I feel his eyes travel to the large scar on my arm. "But if I kill myself, they can not have the satisfation of doing it themselves. So perhaps I shall run away from here so that I may die in peace and not in a cold lonely castle." I assume the reason he stays silent is because of my bluntness. But I longed to be honest with someone before my life ended. I can tell what I'm saying hurts him. But he keeps his cool.

"Maybe that is true. But what is going to happen to the next princess? They will take precautions to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. If we want to make a difference-" I cut him off
"I do not want to make a difference, I want to make an example." His jaw clenches

"You are a princess of Amabilia. In a week you will meet the same gruesome end of many other princesses before you. You tell me you live to serve your country and its people. If you die, you can not serve them to the best of your ability." he runs his free hand through his light brown hair. I could tell he was getting frustrated with me. We stop to sit on a bench looking over the harbor. This is what I love about Caspin. He gives me things to think about. He makes the small intricate gears in my mind go into overdrive trying to figure him out.

"It has just occurred to me." I unraveled my arm from his. "We hardly ever make eye contact." I feel his eyes on me.

"We don't" Caspin understands that the conversation is over. For now anyways.

~ ~ ~

When Caspin and I get back to my room, Sebastian is waiting for me.

"Lord brother. To whom do I owe the pleasure?" Sebastian sits on my bed with my journal in his hands. I can feel how tense Caspin is as he stands behind me.

"I'm going to ask you a question. And you are going to give me an honest answer." he shuts my jurnal with a loud clap. I hold my breath as he walks closer to me.

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