Chapter 2

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(Malory's POV)

I'm backstage getting ready for the show, music starts to play and I hear a voice saying "Now give it up for Malory Martinez!"

I slowly walk on stage sweating so much that the mic won't stop slipping out of my hands, I'm so nervous!!

The spotlight shines on me and the audience look at me as if they have already judged me before I even walked on stage.

The music gets louder and just as I'm about to start singing I drop my microphone.

As I bend down to get it I stumble over my own feet and fall flat on my face which just makes me even more nervous (and embarrassed!)

This is my moment, I'm starting college next summer and all of the major music academy scouts are here watching me, deciding my future as I lie here on the ground!

By now I've missed the first verse of the song so the music stops and starts again from the beginning.

I get up and try to calm my nerves by losing my self in the song but when I start singing my voice sounds awful and shaky! My nerves have gotten the better of me and when I get to the chorus the words won't even come out of my mouth!

The audience start screaming my name in anger, booing me and throwing things, could this possibly get any worse?!

My vision starts to become blurry and the sound of the audience starts to sound like my Dad?!

"Malory, Malory"

I open my eyes and I'm lying in my bed with my Dad standing over me.

"Your going to be late for school hurry up and be down for breakfast in 10 minutes"

All I can think about is how happy I am that it was all just a big dream!
(more like a nightmare!)

I'd die if that ever really happened.

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