Chapter 25

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My guard carried me all the way to the pack house. I kicked and screamed the whole time. I wanted him to put me down so I could be with my baby. I didn’t even know if she was alive or not. All I can think about is the pool of blood surrounding her.

As we entered the pack house, everyone was standing around looking at me. I was hysterical. I didn’t care what I looked like at the moment.

The nurses and doctor came running towards us. They escorted us to a room in the pack hospital and my guard lowered me down on top of the stretcher. They immediately started working on me to get the bleeding to stop from my head.

Apparently, it was a deep cut that was going to require stitches to help heal faster. The doctor wanted to give me something to help me relax but I refused. They were putting an IV in my arm to give me antibiotics and fluids, he said he wanted to do an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok with the baby. My body has been through a lot in the last hour and we don’t know how much that affected the baby.

Before anything else could be done, I heard Jaxson screaming for help. The door flew open to the hospital. 


They all ran out and escorted Jaxson into another room. I ripped the IV out of my arm and followed them. I watched Jaxson put Alena on the stretcher. She laid there motionless. Her arms laid out over the edge of the bed and her head tilted to the side. She had blood all over her.

When the doctor got close to her, Jaxson growled.

“I’m sorry sir but maybe it would be best if you stepped outside. I’m going to do everything I can to help her.” the doctor said.

I mind linked Molly and told her there has been an attack and she was needed in the hospital right away. Not that I don’t think he is capable, but I trust Molly.

A few minutes later, she came running in. I quickly told her what happened, and she ran into the room with Alena.

“Alpha, you need to get out! Let me do my job. You're getting in the way.” Molly yelled.

“Jax, come here. Let them work.” I said.

Jaxson looked at me when he heard my voice. He rushed to my side, checking me for injuries.

“What happened to you? Why were you there? I thought you were going to stay at the pack house and wait.” He slammed me with questions.

“I couldn’t stay. Alena needed me and I just wanted to help but when I got there, I tripped and fell. I didn’t hit my stomach but as I fell forward and hit my head. When I got up, I felt your pain and it knocked me off my feet. I couldn’t think clearly and Alena saved me. If it weren’t for her, I would have been attacked. I didn’t even see him coming. Please tell me that she was alive when you brought her in.” I said.

He grabbed me and held me. He put his hand on the back of my head and pressed my head against his chest. I looked down and noticed that he was still bleeding.

“Jax, you need medical attention. Those wounds look deep.” I said.

“I’m fine but have you been checked out yet?” He asked.

“I need stitches and they want to do an ultrasound, but Alena came in, so we haven’t been able to do it yet.” I said.

A couple nurses and the male doctor came out of Alena’s room. They escorted us both to the room across the hall.

“While we wait for Dr Molly to tend to Alena, let's get you both taken care of.” the doctor said.

While one of the nurses cleaned Jaxson’s wounds, the doctor stitched up my head. He sent a nurse out to get the ultrasound machine. The doctor then went over to Jaxson and stitched up the more severe wounds on his chest and sides.

“Doc, please tell me what’s going on with Alena? Was she alive when you left the room? I asked.

He looked at me and I felt my heart drop. 

“Her heart wasn’t beating when she first came in. We don’t know exactly how long she went without oxygen, and she has lost a lot of blood. Her injuries weren’t life threatening, it’s the blood loss that has caused the problems. If Dr Molly can get her stable and a blood transfusion in time, there is hope but then again, we don’t know the damage caused from being deprived of oxygen. We won’t know any answers until if or when she wakes up.” He said.

Not once did he look me in the eyes. He kept his eyes focused on Jaxson’s wounds and occasionally dropped his head to the floor. I’m sure he was afraid of Jaxson’s reaction to the news.

Jaxson said nothing. He stared straight ahead and closed his eyes, absorbing the information given. I felt like this was my fault. I couldn’t protect my child. When I got there, the pain of hitting my head and feeling Jaxson’s pain, I was unable to concentrate on my powers. I couldn’t do anything but watch. I felt useless. I failed her. I failed everyone there.

We kept the door open, and my eyes were constantly on the door across the hall. I’m waiting for someone to come out and let us know what's going on. I know it hasn’t been that long, but it feels like forever.

“Where is Alena?!”  I heard Jessica screaming in the hallway.

Jessica and Lucas went out to get something to eat and spend time together, so they weren’t here during the attack.

The nurse walked out into the hallway and directed them to our room. As soon as she came through the door, her eyes got big, and she gasped for air. Her mouth was wide open. She raised her hand to her chest. I know I felt horrible and I’m sure I looked just as bad.

“What the hell happened? Where is Alena? We heard Jaxson’s mind link to everyone, and we rushed straight here.” She said.

“She’s across the hall. Molly is working on her. Jess, it's bad. When I saw her, she was covered in blood. She has bite and claw marks on her. She lost so much blood. She saved me. I didn’t see the rogue coming, I wasn’t paying attention and she stopped him. This is all my fault.” I said. 

I began crying. The tears and snot were running down my face. I kept wiping them on the back of my hand, but they just kept coming. Jessica hugged me and we stayed like that until the nurse came in with the machine.

I climbed back on the stretcher. The nurse covered me with a sheet, and I lifted my dress to expose my bare stomach. She squirt the gel on my skin and rubbed the wand across my belly.

A few seconds later, we all heard a strong heartbeat. I looked up at the screen and I saw the baby moving around.

When the doctor was done fixing Jaxson up, he took over for the nurse. He checked everything and said the baby was ok.

The door opened to Alena’s room and a nurse ran out. She closed it behind her and went to the room where they kept all medical supplies. Seconds later, she came out holding bags of blood. She rushed back into the room, closing the door behind her.

“The baby is fine, but my concern is for you. Your blood pressure is too high and if we don’t get it down, it can be a serious risk for you and the baby. I’m extremely worried and I know you already refused but we would like to give you something to help calm you down.” The doctor said.

“No. I’m not letting you put me to sleep until I know what's going on with Alena.” I said.

“Alessia, you need to listen to the doctor. We are all here watching out for her. If anything happens to you and she wakes up finding that out, she would be devastated.” Jessica said.

“Baby, she is right. I can’t lose you with all this going on. Please listen to the doctor.” Jaxson whispered as he walked up to me.

“Jaxson, I can’t. No medicine is going to take this pain away. I’m going to be knocked out, having nightmares of my biggest fear. Her dying and nobody will be there to help me. I’m scared. I’m so scared. “ I whispered back.

“Baby, you will never be alone. I’m here and I got you. Even if you're asleep, I can still feel your emotions and I will be right here, holding your hand. Kissing you. Telling you it's going to be ok. Alena is a fighter. She is so strong. She will get through this. I feel it.

As soon as I know she is ok, I will share it through the bond. You will know.

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