Chapter 7 -just got out of a relationship-

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rafes pov 🤪

i woke up to lime moving around next to me, she was breathing heavy, and i could tell she had been crying. i wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer to me. i kissed her forehead and i could tell she had already calmed down. it made me smile before i finally fell back asleep.

kk limes pov🤘

i woke up with my head buried in rafes chest. i sat up and placed my head against the headboard.

"is, are you-?" i cut rafe off

"okay? yeah it's, it's whatever." i said.

"hey baby, look at me," he said, using two fingers to lift my chin to look at him. "you can tell me anything."

i knodded knowingly. "i uh.. i had a dream where i relapsed. and uhm, you broke up with me because of it." i had gotten myself addicted to smoking weed at the age of 16. i've stopped now, rafe helped me by taking me for ice cream, drinks, or anything else he could think of when i was having withdrawls. rafe knew what i felt because he, himself, used to do coke.

"y- you know i would never even think of breaking up with you, right?" he said, grabbing my hand and giving a gentile kiss.

"yeah, yeah. it was just a dream." i replied, letting my eyes trail down to his lips.
he leaned down, placing his lips on mine. to be 100% honest, we sat there softly making out for a good two minutes.

"holy shit." rafe said, finally pulling away.

"what?" i asked, my lips drawing a frown.

"gah i can't believe your mine. mine allll mine." rafe replied.

i was about to tell him i was getting a call from top , but he pressed his lips on to mine so fast i let my phone buzz in my hand.


top had called to let me know there would be a kegger tonight.

"your telling me you've never been to a kegger before? i mean i've known you for so long! i laughed.

"yeah, is that so hard to believe? i don't hang around pouges?" rafe argued.

my smile dropped and so did my shoulders. mabye rafe wasnt diffrent. mabye he was just as toxic and abusive as alex was.

the car came to a sudden stop. i turned my head, expecting to see rafe getting ready to hit, or curse me out. but instead, he leaned over the console and gave me a long kiss.

"i was kidding babe," he connected our lips again. "you know i would-" he kissed me again
"never hurt you." he said, giving me one last kiss.

i could feel my cheeks turn bright pink. how did he always know what i was thinking? gosh this kid was perfect.


we were both having a nice time at the party, me and topper had just jumped from the roof of a small shack into the water. just for fun. untill i got a call from my mom. i rushed away from the crowd and answered.

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