'Memory' ~ Rockit Gaming

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 ((Here, take this random video I made for y'all .))

"[Y/N], you really don't understand! I'm losing all of my sanity! Do you realize how PAINFUL it is to admit that?!"

I didn't wear anything nice. Well, I wore the nicest thing for me, which was a fancy [Fav/Video game] shirt and [F/C] jeans with no holes in them. Henry had arrived later than I did, since he had to close and lock up the pizzeria. He showed up about 5 minutes later, which was surprising. I arrived at the restaurant about 10 minutes before William, Donna and William's girlfriend showed up. Well, Donna showed up a bit before them, but it was almost the same time.

Donna wasn't wearing anything too nice either. It was a shorter black dress, similar to Alice Angel's in one of those old Bendy cartoons. It had a stain on the front though. I hope that it's just ketchup and not blood. I think that so far, Henry was the only one that was actually dressing nicely.

"Hey, why aren't you with William?" Henry asked.

"He didn't want me to embarrass him in front of his 'goddess' girlfriend," Donna replied. "I don't think that I've ever once ACTUALLY embarrassed him." It was only a matter of time that we were sat at a table of 5, still waiting for William and his so-called "goddess" girlfriend to arrive.

I think that Donna and Henry were good friends at one point. Or are good friends. They were just talking non-stop about pretty much everything. Henry and William are best friends, but Donna seems to be edging Will out. Or at least I think.

It wasn't too long until we heard the bell of the door opening. We looked over to see William and another woman. His girlfriend. William was dressed somewhat nice, tux and all... but his girlfriend...

I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda feeling like I was gonna throw up. She was so pretty. With bright, apple green eyes, long blonde hair flowing down her back, perfect plump lips, cheek bones that seemed fake, long eyelashes, slight blush on her face, a few cute freckles here and there, a beautiful red dress that wasn't too long, but not too short, shoes that weren't considered heels, but can't be flats. I felt a little bit guilty, knowing that feeling of jealousy, but at the same time, I couldn't help it.

"Hey everyone, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Clara," William said to us. Clara smiled shyly and gave us a small wave.

"Hi Clara," Henry said with a smile.

"Good to meet you," Donna said, a slight smile creeping onto her lips. "You're so pretty."

"Thank you," Clara replied. Her voice was so soft. No particular accent either. I couldn't help but smile a little bit.


"By the way, I love your shirt, [Y/N]," Clara said to me. "[Fav/Video game] is such a well-made game." She's so nice. I talked to her for a bit, once her and Henry were done obsessing over the fact that there's iced tea on the menu. She'd never hurt anyone or anything, even a fly, it seems. But she wasn't one of those people that tried to make it very clear she's a good person. She seems very subtle about it, only really revealing small things. And she was probably one of the quietest people here. It was almost hard to hear her over the chatter from others around us.

Unfortunately, William had one too many drinks. Makes sense.

"Will, I think that you should hold off on ordering another drink," Henry said to William.

"Yeah, you have had quite a bit to drink already tonight," Donna added. I hate dealing with drunk people.

"It's fineeeeeee," William spoke.

"Please, it's not healthy to consume a lot of alcohol," Clara said to her boyfriend. If only William would actually listen. Or care. But she has a point. It's not healthy. And I care for William. And nobody else here had ordered an alcoholic beverage. Henry and Clara stuck with their iced tea, I had [Fav/soda] and Donna had some regular water. I don't think that Clara's even touched alcohol.


((I was going to make William like Fun Bobby in 'Friends', but I decided against it. It's like... do you really want to hear a story starting out with, "So, I woke up totally wasted in this dumpster in Tennessee, right?"))

"C'monnnnnn, I'm fine to driiiive," William said.

"No, you're really not, one of us will drive you home," Donna responded.

"I'll take him home," Clara offered. "He's most likely just gonna pass out for a little while like last time this happened."

"No, no, please, I'll drive him," I said. "You guys can go home."


I remembered his address, luckily. I had managed to get him into the backseat of the car and we were finally on our way.

"You're so prettyyyyyyy, [Y/N]," I heard him say from the backseat. Great, now I'm practically talking to a bird.

"Thanks, you're very pretty too, Will," I replied, chuckling to myself. I'm so glad that his home isn't too far from the restaurant. Only just about a five minute drive.


After quite a bit of struggling (and getting an insane amount of luck), I'd finally gotten William into the house. Donna wasn't home yet, surprisingly, so it was quiet and all of the lights were off. I have no idea how William is walking. He's stumbling SO MUCH.

"Alright, we're going to get you to bed."

"Noooooo, [Y/N], but I-"

"No, what you need is rest." It was a little bit frustrating, but I remind myself, he's literally drunk. He's barely even conscious. I had tried to get him to at least lay on the couch, but he was being so stubborn. Wow, for being this drunk, he is freakishly strong!

"C'monnnn, it'll be finnnne," he says, grabbing my arm.

"No, dude, just stop," I said. Smart thinking, idiot, I thought to myself. He'll definitely listen to that. I should know by now that saying 'stop' isn't going to help anything at all.

"I love youuuuuuuu." What the hell?!

But then, he wrapped his arms lazily around me. My immediate response was that I was in a dangerous situation. Being in Seoul for many years has taught me that not everyone in the world is a good person. Some people are just straight up sadistic.

I walked down the streets. It was night. I knew that being in a non-crowded area in the city at night is a bad idea, but I did it anyways. Plus, if anything were to go wrong, I have my good friend with me, right? Wrong.

"Yeah, and that weird thing he does with his face? Hilarious!" they said with a laugh.

"It's so weird. But I love it so much... at the same time, I hate it," I replied.

"Oh, but it was the best when he was stacking bricks on the glass table in our classroom, remember what happened?"

"Oh no! Our table, it's broken! So, you broke the table?"

"...Wait.... Monika?" I turned around. She wasn't here. She was just gone.

But then, right as I was about to call for her, I felt arms wrap around me.

My reflexes kicked in and... I punched him directly in the jaw. Oh, God....

"But you run, havin' fun

Tryin' to prove what is wrong

But none other one

Can try to prove

What's been done

Free delivery, in the midst of misery

So open the door

To expect something more ."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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