5. Learning The Base

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(Author's note)

Attention readers, in this chapter there won't be smut but there is mention of sex, so if you're not comfortable, then skip that part.

Thanks for reading.



Jake's p.o.v

I knew...

The second those words left my mouth, I knew I was in shit.

How am I supposed to tell her about everything when I'm a stranger for her... a nobody?

With the look she was giving me, I couldn't out of nowhere just leave and not tell her, then I would not only be a nobody but I would be weird and maybe even a bit looser.

I had to choose carefully my words or this talk could end really badly.

"I am fully aware that what I'm gonna tell you can sound a bit weird and a bit crazy. Like something you see in movies and you read in books. I also know you don't know me well, but please, I really need you to believe me, I'll even show you if you don't belive me."

" I'm not sure what to expect from you Jake, but I also don't know what to expect from myself these days, I somehow feel like someone's missing in my life and for some unknow reasons, your face keep popping up in my head. So I really hope what you have to say has something to do with that. I'll believe you, now go on."


She...she tought about me...often!!!

That mean our mate bond is way stronger than I tought, that also mean the task of explaining everything to her will be more easy.

"You probably already know about werewolves, I'm gonna go straight to the point, I'm one, I'm the Alpha, I dirige a pack. Your father is also one, don't blame your parents  for not telling you, it's tradition that when only one parent is a werewolf, the mate will tell them they're a werewolf, not the parents."

"... I believe you, as strange as it may sound...does this mean I'm one too?"

"I... uhmm...y-yes, you're one, sometime this week, I'll help you shift and you'll be able to meet the pack."

"Alright... but hold on, my mate is supposed to tell me... does this mean you're my mate? Also what's a mate? Like a friend or something?"

" Yes I'm your mate, and no... not like a friend... mate as in soulmate, us wolves only get one and only one soulmate all our live, when we are with this person, we feel whole, happy and at home. But there's kind of like a ritual you could say, that we must go trough as mate..."

"What's this ritual you're talking about...? I don't have to drink blood do I?"

I chuckled,I took her hand, we we're heading to my house so she could rest after the overbearing news, I mind linked her father so her parents wouldn't worry about her. They already know I'm her mate and they trust me.

"We're werewolves love, not vampires. There's four steps, the first one is acceptance, the second one is the first kiss, the third one is that I have to mark you... and the last one is mating..."

" What's marking and mating?"

" Marking, basically I have to bite into your neck, so the other wolves know you're taken, for humans, it only look like a hickey, but for us, it's like a full moon on the girl's neck with the four teeth holes of her lover in it, proving she found her mate."

"... And mating...?"

" ...Mating...uhmmm... is when we have sex..."


Finally, we were in front of my house. I took the keys out of my pocket and opened the door. We took our shoes off and went into my room.

"Hope you don't feel uncomfortable being in my room."

"No... as I said, I trust you, I do expect to see you in your wolf form tomorrow but I have this voice in my head telling me you'll never hurt me."

"This voice is really smart then, you should follow it."

"That's what I was planning to do."

We both sat on my bed with a couple inches distance between our bodies. It was silence until she broke it by asking a question.

"When are you gonna show me how to shift?"

"Oh... sorry I forgot to mention it, since you're only a half blood werewolf, I have to mark you for you to be able to shift."

"How is you marking me gonna make me able to shift?"

"When I'll bite you, some of my saliva will go on the mark, it will activate your wolf gene. So before you shift, you have to accept the werewolf world and accept that I am your mate and we need to have our first kiss, then I'll be able to mark you and you'll be able to shift. There's also gonna be something happening when we'll mate."

"What's gunna happen? Another super power kind of thing?

I chuckled.

"Well kinda, see... when we'll mate, you'll be closer to me, spiritually, so we'll be able to mind link, that's basically when..."

"I know what mind link is."

"Good, then, since I'm the Alpha, you'll be the Luna, which means Queen, alongside me, so you'll be able to mind link the pack, but only if there's a big new or something really important. For exemple, when I found out you were my mate, I mind linked them because it's important that they know they'll be having a Luna soon. I also mind link them if there's a war or something like that"

While talking, I was facing the wall in front of me, so I turned my head to look at her to find a sleepy look on her face.

"You can sleep you know, I won't do anything."

" Alright, but can you lay with me?"

"With pleasure love"

She was laying on the left side, so I went to the right side and laid beside her on my back.

Then she came closer to me, she put her arms around my torso and laid her head on my chest... on my beating heart.

I truly hoped she couldn't hear it going crazy by the simple action she did.

But by the smile on her face, she probably heard my heart going from a normal rate to a much faster one.

She fell asleep a couple minutes later. I was just watching her sleep, she was so adorable...

I was feeling so calm in this moment that I fell asleep with in my arms
my love...
my soulmate...
my everything...

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