12. Shifting and Heat

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Grace's p.o.v

He just left.

I'm currently at his parent's house, watching tv while the twins are playing some board games.

Jake's mom told me she would help me when I would shift for the first time... so I'm waiting. That's all I have to do.

Waiting to Shift.
Waiting to get my Heat.
Waiting for Jake's return...

From what Jake told me, and the additional researches I made about it, I should have my first shift today. I could have it in three hours, three minutes or three seconds. While waiting I'm watching some show they have... I'm not sure what it is but I'm only half watching it.

I felt bored sitting here so I decided to go where I will be staying, the guest room. It's a pretty big room, the type of room you wouldn't think is a guest room. (A.N. PIC AT THE TOP) the sheets were a beautiful white whilst the pillows were dark. It looked really good altogether.

I decided I would take a nap. Not only was I feeling tired but it would help get through the day faster. I took off my clothes and decided I would just put on one of Jake's shirt. I went under the soft sheets, put my head on the pillow and I was out like a light.

I don't know how much time went by but it couldn't be more than two hours. I looked at the clock and I was right, when I fell asleep it was 1:30 pm and now it's 3 pm.

I felt a weird sensation, my bones were hurting A LOT. Not wanting to have the experience of shifting alone I quickly out on my clothes I had before and went straight to the living room looking for Patricia.

Panic started to run through my body when I saw she wasn't there. I think the girls saw my panicked state because I hear Katelyn tell me that Patricia's in the garden.

Of course why didn't I think of that?!
I ran there and when she saw me ahe was pretty concerned. "Are you okay dear?" My bones were killing me, I could only shake my head. She got the hint though. She went with me back into the guest room and we sat on the bed.

I didn't understand why, I was gonna ask her but she was only looking in front of herself, she seemed lost in her own world. Then she looked back at me with a soft motherly smile. "I mindlinked Jake, I told him you were gonna shift soon. He said he wish he was there with you and he also said that he loves you."

A blush creeped onto my cheeks but was soon replaced with a frown since the pain was becoming bigger every passing minutes.

"Calm down dear, everything is gonna be okay, I think you're ready. It's simple, you just have to imagine yourself as a wolf, what you look like."

I did what she told me. I closed my eyes and imagined myself as a wolf. The color my fur is gonna be, how it will feel to walk on four legs instead of two. I kept thinking about it all until Patricia started talking. " You can open your eyes, you did it dear, you shifted into your wolf" i opened my eyes and nothing seemed different.

I looked at the mirror standind in front of me and saw... well me but... it wasn't me at the same time. I carefully stood up and took careful steps to the mirror. Patricia was looking at me like she saw a ghost. "You can already walk?! Most wolfs start taking their first step in their wolf form a week after their first shift, not a minute!"

Three days later.

It's been three days since I first shifted. With Patricia's help I am now able to walk, run and jump. She also showed me how to shift whenever I want and she taught me a couple of self defense tricks. I am now leaving their house, Jake is comming tonight so I'm going to his place so when he gets there he'll see me.

Also, my heat started, yesterday. Since then I stayed in bed, trying to relax. I know it mean that me and Jake are going to do it tonight but I'm not scared. From what I heard, a first time for a wolf never hurts, I don't know why but it's like that. I also learned that whenever a female gets her heat, her mate can smell it wherever he is. Same thing goes if the male gets his rut, his mate can smell it wherever she is. That means Jake knows I'm in heat, it also means he knows what's gonna happen tonight.

As I said, I'm not scared. I'm excited and happy I'm doing it with a guy like Jake.

The moment I get to mine and Jake's home it's already three in the afternoon. I take a quick shower and only puts on my underwear and one of Jake's shirt. Whilst waiting for him, I'm watching a random show on tv.

My heat isn't really affecting me right now but the moment I see Jake I'm gonna be crazy and my heat will really kick in. Litteraly the second I see him my heat will grow stronger. That's why I'm doing so many things without it bothering me.

After a while I hear the front door open and I see him. The man of my dreams. I run toward him and engulf him in a hug. Then my heat kicked in.

I started whining in his ear. Sensing my discomfort he picked me up bridal style and walked us to our bedroom. He gently put me on the bed before sitting on it himself. He caressed my face before telling me softly " Get some rest love, your body is exhausted right now but I promise we'll do it when you wake up in a couple hours. It's five'o clock right now so you should be awake by nine. I'll tell you what happened there tomorrow."

I really couldn't argue. I went to sleep knowing that when I wake up, there is no stopping it. I felt Jake slip in bed beside me. I know him too well, he's not gonna sleep, he's just gonna make sure I'm fine and prepare himself for when I wake up.

Then I fell asleep knowing what's awaiting me in a couple hours.

Hey guys!

I hope you liked this chapter, next chapter is the smut scene, if you don't like that kind of thing then don't read the next chapter.

Again I'm so sorry it took me so long to update I just have a lot of school work and I don't have much inspiration.

Have a great rest of your day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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