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It's been 3 days since the book sale. And that also means it's been 3 days since I talked to Nohebi's volleyball captain, Daishou Suguru.

I've been busy reading the book and let me tell you, it's a good book. Definitely something I'd recommend to someone.

To be honest I really am not a book worm, but for some reason I've been really motivated to finish it. Maybe I feel as if Daishou-San is missing his book. Or maybe not?

I was in the middle of reading when my sister walked in. "Levchka! You've been reading that book the whole week 24/7. You should get some fresh air."

I looked at my sister and down at my book. I took a deep sigh and put in my bookmark. "Fine. Where do you want to go?"

My sisters eyes literally lit up. "How about the book store? Maybe you'll see that cute guy again~."

I blushed slightly but not to much to be noticeable. I stood up and got dressed. "Alright."

Alisa sat in my bed. "So do you like him?" My head immediately shot up from her question.

"No. Not at all. He's literally Nekoma's most hated rival."

"What does Nekoma have to do with this? You don't have to hate someone just because there the schools rival. You like who you like."


I took a pause and thought about it. I mean he's cute and all but he hates us anyways. And besides he can be a dick sometimes.

"Look. I don't like him ok? Now can we go?"

"Whatever grumpy pants. Let's go!"

We walked downstairs and my sister grabbed her keys. We left the house and hopped in the car heading towards to bookstore.

My favorite thing about this place is that it has a cafe inside it. Which means I can get some sort of pastry since I forgot to eat before we left.

I entered the bookstore with Alisa and immediately left her side heading over towards the cafe. "Hello. What can I get for you today sir?"

"Uhm, just an iced coffee with extra espresso please and a muffin."

"Right away sir. Can I get a name for that?"

"Uh, Lev."

"And drink size?"

"Large please."

The barista left the counter to make my drink and pastry. I pulled out my phone to pass the time. As I scrolled through I noticed a certain someone in the corner of my eye. I look up and look at the figure. "Daishou-"

"Sir. Are you ready to pay?"

I turn around to face the barista. "Oh yes." I hand her my card and she does the weird card payment thing that I will probably never have the knowledge to understand. She gave me my card back and my things. I thanked her and started to walk over to Daishou. I wanted to say "hi" but before I could get any further I heard a voice behind me.


It wasn't my sisters voice but it was familiar so I turned around. Guess I was right.


"Omg you can stop with the San. It's not that important."

"But your my upperclassman?"

"That doesn't- fine whatever. What are you doing here?"

I didn't know what to say so I blurted put an answer that clearly wasn't correct but sun what correct?

"I'm visiting a friend!"

Kenma raised an eyebrow and tried looking over my shoulder but I was quick to react and step in from of him. "I-it's nothing really. I should really get going. I need to find my sister...who drove me here! Byeee!"

I quickly left Kenma and went to look for my sister.

Lev was fast to leave but he made one mistake

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Lev was fast to leave but he made one mistake. He left me to find this "friend." I was curious on who he was hangin mg out with since Kuroo was hanging with me and Hinata is to far away and Yaku would most likely say no. So I'm real curious to see who he was hanging out with.

I started walking forward the same direction Lev was walking when someone familiar caught my eye. And that's none other then Daishou, Kuroo's "nemesis."

Is Lev actually friends with this douchebag? I mean who would want to be friends with him? He's a total jerk. He even laughed at Yaku when he sprained his ankle the last time we payed in a professional game. I truly hate this guy, so why is Lev hanging out with him?

I walk up to him and sit down in the chair next to him. "I have questions."

He quickly looked at me with disgust and went back to what he was doing before. "What could you of all people possibly want from me?"

"Why are you hanging out with our middle blocker?"

"I'm sorry what? Who are you talking about?"

"You obviously know who I'm talking about. Y'all, silver hair, annoying."


I nodded my head and all I got back was an eye roll. What the hell?

"I am not hanging out with that idiot."

I sat there in silence and in shock. Did Lev lie to me?

"What? He told me he was hanging out with you as friends. Your clearly lying."

"Wow. Slow your horses. I'm not the one lying here. We aren't and will never be friends. I only lent him a book cause he was missing it. That's all. Besides that I've never talked to him before in my life. Ok? chill."

I sat there in silence. So Lev did lie? I quietly stood up. "Sorry for the disturbance." I walked away from Daishou and found Kuroo again. Why did Lev lie?

A/N: I decided to change Kenma's personality a little bit because I thought it would fit better with the story line. So sorry if you don't like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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