Chapter 1 - A New World? Or is it?

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:› (also screw it, Ranboo is still a teen, says me). Also if I accidentally spell Tommy's name as Timmy I am not fixing it and you are obligated to point it out if it happens. Trigger warnings for this chapter aren't as hefty as the last one, just amnesia and possible trauma references plus swearing of course.

(Only the beginning was beta read by my beta reader, the rest is me)


It was strange, to say the least. Everything was quiet and dark, his own thoughts couldn't be heard. Then, slowly things got ever so slightly brighter, and noises started to make themselves known.

"Is he ok?.." He heard a voice ask, it sounded far away and muffled. Like he was underwater, and people were talking above the surface. However, it didn't feel like he was underwater or anything, he wasn't cold, or sinking, there wasn't a beach or tent in sight. He was actually kind of warm.

"Still stable, he also still hasn't woken up.. I think he might've had a concussion or maybe something worse. I can't be sure yet though." A different voice replied, slightly less muffled. No less unfamiliar.

"He's been asleep for almost a week, Ponk. I'm.. I'm worried. Others are worried too! Like.. like, Puffy, and Sam, and even Wilbur. Maybe even Quackity and and Eret-" The first voice replied.

"Look, Ranboo, I know-"  The second person cut themself off, and he twisted his head to listen. The names Ponk (what type of name was that anyway?) and Ranboo (again, who would name their child that?) vaguely sounded familiar, like an obscure name you forgot existed until someone brought it up again, but you still don't quite remember it.

"He moved." 'Ranboo' or whatever their name is, whispered. Their voice was clearer now, and it seemed like they were starting to breath heavily.

"Tommy?.." The other person asked slowly, and he could only assume it was the Ponk person.

"Hm?..." He tried to make a sound, and it came out muffled and quiet, but apparently still heard as he immediately felt long stick like arms wrap around him.

"Oh my god, you're awake! I was so worried.. I thought I lost you too.." Ranboo said, sounding much closer. He opened his eyes when he heard sizzling, and he saw a half black and white person, with one green eye and one red eye. Tears ran down his face, his skin being burnt away in what looked to be quite painful, like his tears were boiling or something — they weren't though, some of them fell on his shoulder, and they were completely normal. Ranboo had pre-existing scars that also looked suspiciously like tear tracks, and they were only getting added to in redness.

"Huh?" Was all he said, as he forced himself up. His head hurt, spots dancing in his vision for a few seconds before clearing. Ponk, who he assumed was the other person, wore a red, yellow, and black hoodie-mask-hat thing that covered most of his face and torso, and black pants. He could see two dark eyes and chocolate coloured skin.

"Hey, Tommy. You doing ok?" Ponk asked, but he didn't see another person in the room. He looked around just to make sure, before cautiously pointing a finger towards himself.

Ranboo pulled himself away, he looked even sadder now though. "Tommy?..."

"Oh god, uh, dude, what's the last thing you remember?" Ponk asked, trying — and failing, in his eyes — to hide the panic in his voice.

"Uh..." He hummed, trying to desperately think of something. In truth, he doesn't know. He doesn't know what happened last. He doesn't know where he is or why he's there. He doesn't know these people. He doesn't even-

He doesn't even know his own name.

"I.. fell." He says finally, because that would explain whatever head injury Ponk was talking about. He may not remember shit, but he's not dumb.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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