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I quickly wiped a tear that had fallen to my cheek. He had not earned these tears; so he did not get to see them. He was being irrational.

I turned and looked back at him, now putting my back to the counter. I took a deep breath, careful with my tone, I said, "He is just a friend, Kasey. You know that."

He scoffed and threw his hands up in the air, "Wow! Now that you say it! I totally believe you!"

I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. "Kasey, he has been my friend since diapers. He is the closest thing I have to a brother."

He nodded, "Uh-huh, right. So uh, explain this to me, Pen. Why the hell were the two of you alone in our bedroom's bathroom? Give me a logical explanation for that."

I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair, a huff of exasperation left my mouth. "I already told you this, Kase. We were making dinner for you and Amelia, and he cut his finger while trying to cut the onions."

"Well, why were you making dinner for me and your sister?" He asked sharply.

I sighed, one hand holding up my body weight against the counter, the other resting on the back of my neck. "I want her to like you. I want her at our wedding. I know she said she would go, but I want her to be happy she's there. I wanted to get her to like you."

He stared at me a moment, his eyes almost softening. Then, "And you thought you could accomplish that through a sneaky dinner made, not you and your fiance, but you and Jackson?"

I groaned in frustration, "Why does it always go back to Jack! He is my brother! My family! Please believe me! Please!"

He stared at me once again before looking away and shaking his head. "I'm going to bed. Sleep on the couch if you feel the need to be separated."

I sighed and said, "You know I can't do that."

He shrugged and continued to our bedroom, "Not really my problem right now."

Once he was upstairs and in bed I called my sister.

She immediately said, "So, I'm guessing dinner is off then. You wouldn't call now if it wasn't."

I sniffled as quietly as I could, not wanting her to hear the tears of pure anger that were brewing. I often cried at any and all strong emotions. "Yeah, dinner's off."

She, of course, could hear it in my voice. "What did that tool do? You know what? Don't tell me. I'm on my way. Tell me in the car."

Before I could say a thing she'd already hung up. I smiled weakly. That was Amy alright.

I went silently up to my bedroom. I packed a bag. I grabbed everything I needed. I looked back at my fiance. I sighed quietly and went over to our dresser. I slipped the engagement ring off my finger and gently sat in down. I then grabbed my old lipstick and wrote on the mirror.



-Six Months Later-

"I cannot believe you! Amy, when I get my hands on you I am gonna kill you!" I chased my sister around her table.

She squealed when I got too close for her liking. "I was only trying to help, Penny! I didn't actually think you would get in!"

"Hey! Rude!" I pointed out

"Oh, not like that! I just didn't think we were lucky enough for anyone in this family to get picked for anything like that! But they'll be lucky to have you!" She quickly jumped over a fallen chair.

"Ugh! I cannot believe you!" I exhaled quickly once I gave up and came to a stop.

She sighed in relief and then plopped down onto the couch. "I'm sorry, okay? I just wanted you to get over that disgusting rat you called a boyfriend."

"Fiancé." I corrected.

"Even worse." She shot back. I rolled my eyes. "But I do think this will be good for you. It'll be fun. Don't you think?"

I shrugged, "I dunno. It sounds weird."

"It'll be good for you." She decided.

I scoffed, "Glad one of us thinks so."

She then checked her phone's time. "You've got four hours to be at the airport."

"It's today?!" I exclaimed, sitting up.

She smiled nervously. "Yeah..."

"Jesus!" I exhaled before jumping from the couch and rushing to my room in my sister's house.


Amelia was still giddy. "I'm so excited! I can't believe you'll be on TV!"

I chuckled, "Yeah, for maybe an episode."

"Oh, please! Guys have kind of always been all of over you. Since high school." She said pointedly.

"Yeah, well, all the girls in there will be gorgeous." I reminded her.

"But like... you're you!" She smiled cheekily.

I scoffed, "You have such a way with words."

"Ooh! We're here! Hurry hurry!" She slammed the breakers and threw us into a parking space.

She carried most of my bags and I showed up just in time for the boarding. I looked back at her after taking my bags back from her. She stared at me a moment. And I stared back.

"Oh, don't go getting all sappy on me!" I told her when I noticed her cheeks start to flush like they always did before she cried.

"I'm not! I'm not!" She quickly shook her head.

"You're the one who signed me up for this! You made this happen!" I teased.

"I know! I know!" She sighed, still smiling. She wiped away a tear that threatened to fall. "Go! Before the plane leaves without you!"

I sighed but nodded. I started to turn and go but decided on a better plan. I dropped all my bags and ran over to her. I immediately engulfed her in a hug.

She hugged back and laughed. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I know. I'll miss you too." I stayed holding onto her.

"I know." She pulled back. "Now go! For real this time!"

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