Chapter 1

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Coupled Up

I step out of the car and stare in awe at the giant house. I had never seen anything like it. "Holy shit."

I noticed a dark-skinned girl with long, dark brown braids. She was in a multicolored but mostly green bathing suit and was approaching me. She had golden makeup and a red lip that matched her nails. She wore a multicolored necklace that matched her bracelet.

She chuckled at my curse. She had a great smile. "Oh wow, hi! That outfit is incredible!"

I glanced down at my bathing suit before looking back at hers. "Yours is art!"

She grinned. "I'm Hope. What's your name, hun?"

I swallowed at the word 'hun'. "Penelope. But you can call me Penny."

"Well, Penny, it's nice to meet you." She said formally. She looked over at the house. "I can't believe we're here! How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, "I'm a bit nervous, in all honesty."

She shook her head dismissively. "Babe, stick with me and you'll be fine." She smiled with embarrassment when she said, "I was so excited I almost tripped jumping out of that car. I nearly started my summer of love flat on my face!" She chuckled at herself. "Can you imagine how that would have looked?"

I smirked, "Probably because you're drop-dead gorgeous..."

She chuckled, "Babes, thank you! You're stunning too. These boys are definitely in trouble." She shook her head. "I can't wait to get a look at all the gorgeous guys we're going to be hooking up with." She got a curious grin. "Speaking of which, shall we go and have a look inside? I want to check out the bedroom..."

I laugh out loud at that. She grinned and linked her arm through mine, dragging me with her into the house, the both of us still laughing.

Once we make it into the bathroom I'm in awe once again. It was so much different in person. "Look at this bedroom! It's so fresh, but I can't imagine what it will look like tomorrow."

My mouth was slightly agape in shock so I simply nod in response.

"You know we're all going to get into bed with a guy we just met?" Hope reminded me.

I nodded nervously. "I hope I fancy at least one!"

"I bet they're all gorgeous," Hope said dreamily. "I'll be so disappointed if I'm not into them. Obviously, I'm looking for something long-term, but it's been a while since I've been on a date." She smirked, biting her bottom lip a bit. "If there's a handsome, strong-and-silent type, I don't know if I'll want to wait around..."

The click of the door opening interrupted. Another girl walked in. She had blonde hair with faded pink at the bottom, flipped to one side and held in place by a triangle hair clip. She was in a strappy, purple bathing suit and had some beautiful tattoos.

"Hey girls!" She said before running over and hugging Hope and me. She looked both of us up and down when we pulled apart. "You guys are going to be some strong competition." She looked at me again. "I love your style. That outfit is incredible."

I smiled brightly, happy the second pretty girl complimented me. I quickly realized this was where I gave her one back. Not that it was hard. "My God, I love your tattoos! They suit you! The moon charm too!"

She grinned, "Happy you noticed." She turned to Hope. "Your makeup is amazing. It must take you ages to get ready."

Hope smiled. "Getting my look perfect is really important to me."

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