그해. 그날. 그달.

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"What is this again?"

I don't have an idea either. Let's just say that this is some sort of safe space for me but in a poetic way.

I've been wanting to do a poem book but I was never good at it so I didn't. However, something crossed my mind - the thought of making poems as an coping mechanism. I never did it myself, yet I knew people who did. I wanted to try it myself, just to have some self-improvement in the middle of this dilemma we have right now.

Now, dive into the depths of what this not-so-good writer's mind is up to. On what storm his monsters have brewed inside the chamber of his thoughts. Shall we?


Plagiarism is a crime. All of the poems I will upload here are all my own works. Do not steal.

the year. the day. the month. - poem collectionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant