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as you know 5SOS didn't win the blimp but they won the award. ( see picture )

so i sent them this :)

dear nickelodeon, kca's,
i believe 5 Seconds Of Summer did in fact win that award. You see 5th Harmony was behind 332,965. This has happened year after year, the votes are never even. I understand that this is in fact, a kids choice award, but every award counts. Does it not? As a kid network you understand that teenage girls and boys only want whats best for their fandom "leader" and you are not doing a great job at this. 5 Seconds Of Summer won the award and I believe that 5th Harmony should be aware of this. 5 Seconds Of Summer even had a happier outlook on the situation. ( https://twitter.com/allysfruitloops/status/581987631355043840 ) 5th Harmony's 'Harmonisers' has a past of bullying the 5SOS fans, if you are unaware, and THAT is exactly what your award show should be trying to avoid. We are all very pleased that 5SOS's Michael Clifford is happy with the outcome of this and that they are preforming live tonight. We are NOT pleased with the way your voting system worked. 5 Seconds Of Summer did in fact win, check for youtself. ( https://twitter.com/allysfruitloops/status/581989049549918208 ) Thank you for your time. Please take this into consideration.

- Ally

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