Ch. 9 Finals

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Hey people I'm back with Chapter 9!
Please enjoy this chapter!! ^^
Also please comment you opinion! I want to know!


Chapter 9: Finals

*Kano's POV

"Hey Kano! I heard you are single now! Do ya.. Ya know wanna get with me?" Said a girl with short brown hair.

"Don't pick her! Pick me!! I will love you way better that the Rebecca girl!" Said a girl with ginger hair.

Why do I have to deal with all these girls.. Oh there's Zach. Who is he wit-, that girl.
Naomi Taylor... I watch them as the dig through the crowd of girls..

"Kano who are you looking at look at me!" Said a girl with a pony tail.

"No look at me!" Said another girl.

"Ladies, ladies, calm down. Yes it is true that I am single right now but I have no intention of get into a serious relationship. So with saying tha-" I said as I was interrupted.

"Yo Kano! My man! Sorry ladies I gotta take him from ya!" Zach said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Dude I owe you big time" I whispered

"No problem!" He said as we pushed through the crowd..

"So why were you with that girl? Aren't you date Samantha?" I said in a questioning manner.

"Oh well.. Heh funny thing... She broke up with me as soon as she found out you were single... So... Yeah" he said as he scratched his head... A silence hung over us for a few moments... But then Zach laughed it off and I joined him.

"Don't worry man there are many other girls out there! And bros before hoes right!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! Bros before hoes!" He said as he laughed.

Damnit Samantha... Why do you need to do these things he is such a nice guy... He is sweet, charming, handsome, and sensitive.. But those who know him like I do he can be sneaky and deceptive..

The bell rings for class and me and Zach walk into class and take out seats..

Class... Boring as usual... I already know all this stuff... I don't need to be in these classes I could skip and still be the top of the class. Whatever.. This is a good time help that girl.. I sure hope that the journal Helps her...

I continue to give her these journals full of notes. I just hope that explained the stuff enough for her to understand.. I don't want to see her crying like she was... I hate seeing anyone cry let alone someone who has gone through so much like she has.. I don't know her story but I do know she had to have gone through something tragic to have those braces and arm crutches..


It's 3 weeks until finals week and me and Zach are now walking down the hallway. Zach stops and stares out the window and then he smiles. Who is he looking at? I walk over to the window and see he is staring at... Ms. Harpy?! I look at him in shock and confusion.. Zach noticing my facial expression is quick to correct me and tells me that Ms. Harpy is a teacher and that the student that Ms.Harpy teaches is with her all the time and he wanted to go have lunch with her. Oh so he is smiling because he know where Naomi is....

"Let's go dude." Zach says as he starts walking towards the stairway to go outside.

I just laugh and walk along.. Naomi Taylor.. I haven't seen her face fully yet but her hair is really pretty and her body is nice too..

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