Revenant x Hurt!Reader

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This was requested by @VoidChromeDragon Thank you for requesting! Hope you enjoy it!


You never really got deathly hurt, maybe once or twice. But it was luckily in the games itself so when you die in the games you're perfectly fine afterwards. But one time you and octane were having too much fun and he accidentally got you hurt. He thought it would be fun if you two go ice staking and then have jump pads everywhere. You didn't know necessarily how to stake but you are a fast learner. 

You and him were jumping back and forth on one of them, but you then tripped and missed the jump pad and twisted your ankle, and sprained your arm. Octane luckily helped you back up and walk over to lifeline's place, she patched you up mostly, told you to take it easy for the next few days. Octane felt horrible though and blames himself for getting you hurt. But you reassured him that you're ok. 

Now you are lying in bed just relaxing and you have some snacks and water next to you on your desk so your not constantly getting up. As you try and turn to get a drink you see something or someone in the shadowy corner of your room. Then suddenly golden eyes become visible. Of course Revenant is the one behind that stuff. You and him were close so you knew most of his tricks. 

"Rev, I know thats you, get your ass over here, I'm bored and need help getting a drink." You whine to him. 

He gets up from his corner and hands you the glass of water. 

"What happened to you skin suit?" He sat back on the floor leaning on the bed.

"Well me and octane were having fun at the ice staking ring and I fell, spraining my arm and twisted my ankle." You said after drinking some water and putting it back. 

Revenant then gets up and leaves your room. You just think about how funny he is sometimes. He acts so different from other people, well giving the fact he isn't really human anymore. Still has his moments where he shows how human he is. You then try and get comfortable and lay your head back and relax. You feel like you're in some heaven or something. Suddenly, as the moment started shortly was interrupted by Revenant opening up your door with a bag. 

"What the hell?" You question him. 

"Oh shut up, it has more snacks, some 1 minute meals type thing, and some bandages. You know I won t ever admit this and you better not say anything or I swear I will kill you here and now, but I have... a soft spot.. or something.. for you so yeah. Anyways eat up, your vitals tell me you haven't eaten properly in awhile and if you don't now then you'll slowly start dying from starvation." 

You are blushing at the fact he said all that. Then you try and get up to get some ramen from the bag, but Revenant just picks you up the minute you get the bag of ramen. He knows its hard for you to walk so you trying to eat something and walk is a lot. You just take it as is and let Revenant carry you to the kitchen. 

He then sets you down at the table, yanks the ramen out of your hands. "Do you like it scrambled noodles or just leave it as is?" He asks. 

"Uhm, how about scrambled noodles." 

((I love scrambling my noodles, idk why it just taste better that way, ah now im craving ramen ;-;))

He does so and puts it on the stove and cooks it for you. Then when its done he puts it into a bowl and hands it to you. "Thank you Rev." You look at him in awe. He just looks away and tsks, if he could blush he would. After getting your ramen and eating it he then gets you a blanket and puts it around you, he can tell when you are about to get cold. For someone so mean and heartless, he sure treats you with so much greatness. You just blush a bit and continue eating. 

Once you were done eating you tried to get up and walk over to the sink to put your ramen in. Revenant tried to help you walk to the sink and you thanked him for that. Sprained ankles suck. After you put your bowl in the sink he picks you up bridal style and take you to your room. Nothing was said between the both of you. But you lean his chest a bit more and close your eyes. It feels comfortable in some weird way. 

Revenant opens your door and sets you on the bed. You get comfortable again and then he puts on your favorite movie. "My god you're a handful." He says while laying next to you. You just stare at him just being filled with butterflies and love. He is amazing in some ways, just doesn't see it. You appreciate everything he does. 

"Hello? Earth to Y/n." He waves his hand in front of your eyes.

"HUH? Oh, yeah? Sorry I was zoning out." You get beat red and turn away. 

"You ready to start the movie?" 

"Oh yeah, I'm ready."

He plays the movie, and then you turn to watch it. Something then holds you from behind. Of course it's Revenant, he is oddly comfortable to you. You just melt into his touch. He'll never know this but you've always liked him romantically, but you're too scared to tell him that. But this you will take advantage of. His touch like this just is amazing and so comforting. 

After the movie you're fast asleep in his arms. He pulls a blanket over you both and then he also goes "to sleep." He will protect you till you're old and grey. 

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