Chapter 13: An unsolved Attempted murder...

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~Pearson POV. February 26th, 2021~

Matt, Woods and I were standing outside of Mega Desk while talking about whatever Woods changed the topic to.

"But anyways... I was thinking we should go through the Gaius directory today." Matt stated, "I mean, it has been a few days since we dropped off the case to John Doe." Woods nodded.

"We can do it after my meeting, which is in 10 minutes." Matt glanced down at his watch as he spoke, "I'll send a message when I'm done."

"So what about you?" I asked Woods, "I have nothing to do so if you don't really care, I can stick around with you." He responded.

"I don't care, I've got nothing to do anyways." I told Woods as we walked up to my office, I grabbed the TV remote out of my drawer and turned it on.

"Here, pick something." I tossed the remote to Woods who wasn't fully paying attention, it hit him in the chest and he let out a groan.

"Geez, ya didn't have to throw it so hard!" He said, "Oh please. I didn't even throw it." I rolled my eyes.


Woods had put on a playlist of his old vlogs. I didn't mind it, but it was funny that he wanted to watch his own vlogs.

Matt: I'm done with my meeting.

"Hey so I'm on the reddit and people are talking about there being a Syntec website, let's go bring this to Matt once he's done with his meeting." Woods told me, "Huh... Well he's done right now so let's grab Sam then we can head down." I responded.

I stood from my chair and left my office with Woods close behind, knocked on Sam's door and a faint "Come in!" was heard from the other side.

"Hey so we're about to head down to show Matt something on reddit, you want to come with?" I asked.

"Yeah, just let me grab the camera." Sam nodded so we made our way downstairs.

We all put on our mics and I grabbed Matt's mic pack as Sam started recording.

"So we just grabbed the camera because you guys pointed out a certain website that I actually think is worth looking at, hopefully." Woods spoke to the camera.

"Where did you find it?" Sam asked, "I found it on reddit." Woods responded then we walked into Mega Desk

"Hello good sir, we found something interesting on reddit." I said while handing Matt his mic pack, "I found some reddit posts that I think we need to look at... a Syntec website." Woods continued.

"I mean... it could be a meme." Sam stated.

"I've been seeing it all over the place so I think it's worth looking at," Woods said as Matt began putting his mic pack on.

"Hurry up Matt!" Sam groaned, which received a glare from Matt.

"So you found a Syntec website?" Matt questioned, "Yes, but I wouldn't get your hopes up yet but it's potentially..." Woods began to say.

"Did you look at it?" Sam asked, "No, I haven't looked at it yet." Woods shook his head.

"Anyways... let's see this site, I have high hopes that this might be something." Matt stated.

After looking at some memes, we found a post from ThePerfectTan with the link to the Syntec website, Matt clicked on the link and we went onto the about us tab.

Syntec Inc was founded on the principle, "Only we can truly change the future, so let's change it together", something that has helped us strive for excellence when it comes to our work. At our laboratories, patients receive the highest standard of quality care, and our specialists are able to concentrate fully on providing personalized services at a world-class level. We are a leading provider of rapid clinical trials and biotechnologies backed by our first CAP Forensic accredited laboratory located in Santa Clarita, CA. We're focused on discovery, and creation, all for the good of civilization and progressing through barriers we were perhaps stopped at before.

Project 863: The fifth SubjectDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora