Chapter 1 : Let the celebration begin!

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Monsters stalking through the night.
Dreadfall is the Night of Fright.
Fear is what this night brings,
Along with many other things.

Are you sure you are prepared?
Tonight is not for the easily scared.
Creatures from hell roam on this night,
For tonight is the Night of Fright.

Trick or treat you say,
You should not have waited until the end of the day.
Tonight, you will lose your tricks and treats,
For the monsters need to eat.

You better not take this night lightly,
Or else you will truly learn what fright means.

In ancient times people feared this night,
The night they greeted with fright.
Why they were so scared you will soon see,
On this "All Hollows' Eve.

Stoick stood with his hands on his hip. A soft smile found its way to his lips as he stood there, beaming with pride as the Vikings of Berk finished their singing.

Stoick laughed with delight as he clapped his hands together, gaining everyone's attention "Well done. Well done all of you," Stoick praised as everyone gathered around him "For generations, we have been unable to celebrate Dreadfall out of fear of being caught in the destruction of the dreaded flightmare!" some Vikings scowled at the reminder of the dragon destroying their home, others lowered their head out of respect, remembering the fate of Finn fearless Hofferson who was brave enough to stand in the beast's way.

Stoick, noticing the drop of the cheerful mood, continued "but all that changed 4 years ago, when my son had solved the mystery of the Flightmare and managed to prevent the beast from attacking us after that!" Once again, the happy mood returned to the Vikings of Berk as they cheered at the reminder of no longer having to fear the attack of the flightmare. However, it all died out quickly as they noticed a strange glow in the sky. Whispers from the confused Vikings started to rise as everyone tried to know what was the glow in the sky.

Stoick watched the light in the sky glow brighter and getting closer to them with confused eyes. Searching with critical eye for any clue that would give away the cause of the light, or what it is.

A familiar screech found its way to the ears of the people of Berk, sending shivers down their spines. They knew that banshee scream-like sound. After all, it belongs to the one creature they feared...

"The Flightmare!"
"But it used to only come when Aurvandil's Fire appears!"
"Who cares!? Run to your houses!"

Before they could say more, another sound sliced through the banshee screech of the dreaded dragon. A familiar whistle cut through the air as a black blur raced the darkness of the night along with 7 other blurs behind it and the strange glow. It was...

"Hiccup!" Stoick exclaimed in joy seeing his son flying towards them. All the worry and fear from the return of the flightmare was long forgotten once the Vikings saw hiccup and immediately cheered, for the pride of Berk has returned.

Earlier with Hiccup

"Sooo, how much have things changed since I last been on Berk?" Phantom asked while flying on Sparks' back with the other riders. He was curious to know how much had his homeland changed. After all, he has been gone for 10 years. Back then they used to show their strength by killing dragons, but now they've befriended them! How ironic.

Hiccup smiled from his place on Toothless' back "Oh! You'll never recognize it. Remember the forge?" Hiccup asked. On Phantom's nod he continued "We now make dragon saddles, wings slings and Gobber even fixes dragon teeth!" Hiccup said, beaming with pride for the changes in his village "We also have special places to feed dragons!" Phantom couldn't keep the shock from showing on his face under his helm. Hearing that Berk had changed from the most famous island for hating and killing dragons, to hearing that they now even fix dragon teeth can be quiet shocking.

"Don't forget the arena" Astrid continued "We now use it to train new dragon riders instead of killing dragons"
Rain let out a low whistle "Wow, most impressive actually" she said. Rain had actually visited Berk once when she was 10 years old. Her tripe, Forn, had formed an alliance with Berk. After a chieftan meeting, the two tribes agreed that they would exchange a number of teen and children to teach them fighting techniques and the traditions about both tribes. Rain was one of the people who were chosen to live on berk for 3 months, so she knows Berk's past with the dragons.

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