Chapter 2: Legend and trouble

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Night had fallen on Berk, and they knew what it meant. Time to celebrate the darkest and scariest time of the year! The decorations were all set. Jack-o-lanterns, cobwebs and streamers filled the place. Animals and dragons were painted in a way that would make them look like skeletons. Some Vikings were singing songs about Dreadfall. The riders, after Stoick's announcement about the celebration's start, most went to wear the customs they made.

Snotlout dressed up as Thor, wearing a long, blond beard, a helmet with lightning mark on it and had a hammer hanging off from his belt, and was bragging about how awesome he is.
The twins were both wearing black and green fancy clothes with smart metal parts painted in yellow to make them look like gold, and long horned helmets painted to look like gold, resembling Loki, the God of mischief.
Hiccup wore all black clothes with wings on the back he had made to resemble Toothless'.
Astrid was wearing all black dress with a see-through black veil over her head.
Fishlegs was wearing long white clothes with a long red rope across it and blond beard and hair. His custom was inspired by Mimir, the God of knowledge.
Rose was wearing light blue clothes that glowed, thanks to Phantom Wings' scales and the glowing algae and it had long, tendrils sleeves, resembling the Flightmare's wings.
Rain was wearing a white dress and veil over her head with some black paint under her eyes. Only three were not wearing any costumes: Phantom, Ash and Slade.

Phantom and Slade didn't wear any costumes because 1. They didn't have time to make one, with phantom patrolling islands to make sure that every dragon on them is in well-being, Slade because he was still the effects of the Night fury's fire on the ignisium and the Alpha Nine, his sword. 2. Because they both thought they weren't going to celebrate it anyway, so why bother make a costume.
Ash wasn't wearing any costume because she only learned about Dreadfall a few hours ago.

Gobber, who was wearing black and white clothes, trying to look like a skeleton, and had a pumpkin instead of his hook, was telling the children in Berk scary tales. Feeling a little curious, the riders decided to go and hear what the tales were about.
"...and then just as she heard heavy footsteps behind her, she barely had any time to turn around before THE BEAST POUNCED ON HER, HIS SHARP TEETH RIPPING THROUGH HER FLESH" Gobber suddenly shouted causing the kids to scream and run past the riders while Gobber laughed.
"Ahh the good scares, one of my favorite parts in celebrating Dreadfall" Gobber chuckled before turning to Phantom and the others "They scared you and Hiccup a lot when you two were younger. I remember you hiding under your bed for 3 days without coming out" Gobber said before laughing again causing Phantom to blush while Rain and Star giggled, Rose laughed and Slade and Ash smirked
Ash nudged Phantom before crossing her arms over her chest "So much for the so called 'The great and scary Phantom'" Ash said with a smirk and a chuckle.
Phantom grumbled, his cheeks burning bright red with embarrassment "I was 4 for Odin's sake!" Phantom exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, causing the others to laugh more.
After Gobber and others finished laughing, Gobber smirked "Here for another scary story to make you hide under your bed again?" He chuckled as Phantom glared more at the blacksmith
"You wish, now I'm the one who gave many Vikings nightmares and made then crawl under their beds" Phantom said and crossed his arms.
"Said the same guy who got scared of a story told by a one-armed and one-legged Viking" Ash said as she smirked and placed her hands on her hips, causing Phantom to blush in embarrassment again as the others laughed.
Gobber wiped some imaginary tears from laughter "Aye. I have the perfect story to tell" the blond blacksmith said.
The two-limped Viking began his story once everyone sat around him in circle "It was a long time ago...

So long that it was even before any man or dragon ever lived.
There was Harmony between the Gods of Asgard and the Giants of the land, The Jotnars. The two kingdoms helped one another, even married from one another, like Odin. It is said that Odin himself, is a half Jotnar. But that peace didn't last for long. With how vicious the Jotnars were acting, the Gods started to see them for what they truly are. Creatures of chaos that only took joy in causing disorder and pain among the living. And thus, the Gods of Asgard realized they needed to make a stand against their rivals. For eons, the Gods and Jotnars have battled, the balance of power shifting between them more time than could be counted. Many have lost their lives; many corpses filled the sea until it could no longer be seen. The Jotnars, having realized that this was a lost battle to them, surrendered instead. The Gods were not seeking death to Jotnars kind. Instead, keep them in check so that the universe remains in balance. However, the fallen soldiers of the Jotnars' kind were furious, they wanted revenge. But thankfully, they were unable to leave their death place; an island that was near their grave site. Instead, they chose to torture any man that steps a foot on their island. Those who are lucky enough to stay alive, have lost their sanity by what they saw there. Many cursed creatures were banished to that cursed island, like the unholy, dead living creatures with super human strength called Draugar. It is said that many have sailed to that island, seeking to hide their treasures on it or finding a treasure from rumors that there are treasures on that island. Now, everyone stays away from even the sea of that island; the sea of death. And we now call the island, The island of Fear. Only the stupid would sail to that island. It is said, that the screams of the tortured souls of the sailors can still be heard till this very day, driving one insane..."

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