Spiritual Beasts: Beginnings Chapter 1 Act 3 Straight To The Plan

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     Raleigh and Tanith rushed out of the ruins. They both looked dirtied up due to the way they entered. As they looked up in the sky, they noticed the sky seemed different.

     The sky was obsidian black. Hidden in that black were purple and grey. Those two colors made a smokey, fog gradient from the sky and ground below. The air was heavy, which made it difficult to breathe.

     As they began to walk back into the city, the fog got more thick and nauseating. Raleigh fell onto his knees, trying to breathe fresh air. However, it felt like his lungs and throat were burning. Tanith, who was used to heavy fog, quickly lifted the male onto her back. She used her jacket as a mask for him.

"Hang in there, buddy. We should be back soo-"

     Suddenly, a giant bug-like creature dropped down towards them. The creature was dark purple with wings. The light purple wings were about 6 ft tall each and what, in the eyes of these people who were tiny compared to it, about 20 ft wide. It looked down at the two with its five eyes, two eyes on the top, two eyes at the bottom, and one in the middle.


    Raleigh was about to tackle Tanith down as a red sort of arrow shot at the creature.



     The usually rude male ran to the man in red and began to roughly shake him. He rattled Haluk like a person getting upset over a video game.

"YOU DUMBASS! Where were you?! You were gone for THREE FUCKING DAYS! You better have a good explanation for this before I punch you in the dick!"

     Haluk got nervous and laughed. He never saw his friend so worked up. He grabbed both of Raleigh's arms.

"Calm down. I'm fine. Wait, did you guys...?"

     The man in red panicked when he saw the crystal-like objects on Raleigh's hair and Tanith's ankle. He still did not know what exactly the crystals did, which terrified him.

"No offense, 'luk, but we have a bigger issue. We need a plan."

     Tanith interrupted as she had a blue aura surrounding her. She began to glow as her regular clothes began to turn into armor. The armor was shades of blue, with the back having something similar to alligator back scales. She then took out a jagged scythe.

"I will hold them off! Think of the plan, fast."

    Haluk gave a nod before grabbing his friend and running to a safe space.

"Listen, you need to tap into your ability, Ral. I know you can do it."

"H-Haluk, we don't know what these could do..! What if it slowly drains our life force?"

     Haluk then slapped Raleigh across the face, hard.

"RALEIGH! We do not have time to overthink things! You need to do this!"

     Raleigh rubbed his cheek, groaning. Then he saw a creature about to stomp on them. He growled as he began to engulf himself in yellow light. His armor was shades of brown and yellow. He was wearing a crop top and very poofy pants. The pants had a white cloth over half of it and he was wearing a scarf that covered his nose and mouth. He slowly began to pull out mini dual axes. Part of it was shaped like antlers.

     The man in yellow charged at the purple creature, swinging the axes at it. As he did, he saw himself being very fast, but not doing much damage.

      Meanwhile, Haluk was watching his friend. He had a little pink flush on his face as Raleigh hacked and slashed at the enemy.

'D-Damn it, Ral...why do you have to look really good in that outfit?'

      The male then shook his head. Now was not the time to watch his friend do all the work. He got the green crystal, running around. He looked for someone who could possibly harness its power. He then saw a female.

     The female had peachy-orange hair and brown eyes. She had quite a pale complexion with a mole below her right eye. She was wearing a brownish-green sweater and brown shorts. She was currently struggling against one of those creatures.

      Haluk quickly intercepted with his bow, pulling back. He then got out the green crystal and kicked it to her.

"Miss! Catch! Harness it!"

     The girl shyly nodded and reached for it. It latched itself to her right ear. It turned into a green earring. She began to harness it as she glowed green. Her clothes turned into a green shirt with a chest window with a cape wrapped around her neck. Dark green shirt and some boots. She held out a rapier and slashed at the creature.

"Sir, what do I need to do?"

"Call me Haluk. And try to see if you have a special ability."

     The girl nodded and concentrated, making a shield over the other people.

"Good! Now everyone, group up for a final attack!"

     Everyone gathered around. Their weapons began to glow their respective color. They all slashed in unison as the monster exploded.

"Great everyone!"

     The people in armor detransformed. Raleigh then looked towards the unnamed female.

"You. Who are you, stranger?"

"M-My name is...Asami. I am a culinary student."

"Hey hey! My name is Tanith! Nice to meet you."

"Haluk. Pleased to have you with us."

"...Raleigh. Don't bother me and we will be fine."

      Suddenly, a male began to walk towards them. The man had orange hair and light cyan eyes. Strangely, the eyes had no shine to them. He was also wearing something that looked like some sort of butler outfit.

"...I see. The crystals have reacted and the fear eaters have returned. This will be very, very interesting."

To be continued..

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