Two:Removal Day

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There's a loud knock on my bedroom door. I look at my clock,12 am. The door swings opens and there stands,4 Kaal guards. I freeze in fear as they approach me. "Marigold Hollans.Time to go."one of them say. I go to run but my feet are glued to the cold floor.Two of them approach me and grab my arms.I struggle against their tight grip.They carry me out into the cold, there I see in front of me, Thomas. He must've seen the guards enter my house, he loks as if he's been crying, but now his face is filled with pure rage. One of the guards approach him and tells him something.The ones holding me, haul me over to some truck and push me in.
As we start to drive off,I can see Thomas chasing after the truck.I hear a loud gunshot,and watch as my best friend fall to the dirt ground behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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