Phat Has Entered

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With my hood up I walk through the park looking for any crimes , this has become routine since I was tossed out of my parents house . Being a mutant is taboo in today's society , if you harbor one there is a good chance your community will turn against you at some point . My mother and father chose to be loved by their  neighbors , then to be caring parents . 

Staying close to the shadows I keep my eyes peeled until I see and hear an explosion in the distance  . Dropping what I was currently doing I run to the scene to make sure everyone is ok . 

Running as fast as I could I come across a flaming building .. 

" Shit

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" Shit ... wait are there people ?" I think as I look in the windows . 

" Help ! Help us !" a woman called out from the building . 

"Fucken great ." I mutter as I look for an opening . Finding one with the fire escape I climb to the same floor as the woman , surprisingly the fire isn't horrible on this floor. 

" Lady ! Lady where are you ?!" I shout as I hold my shirt over my mouth . 

"Help !" She shouts inside a room blocked off by a metal door .  

" Crap ... Move away from the door !" Taking a breath I shift fat to my arm , making it more dense . I rear back and punch it  over and over again until It's busted down . Shifting my arm back I go inside the room and find the woman crouched in the corner . 

"Hey are you ok ?!" I ask her . 

She gave me a deadpanned look . " Do I look like I'm ok , I'm in a burning building !" she shouted at me . 

" That's fair ." I think to myself . 

Looking at the sink I run over , take off my hoodie and drench it with water . Once done I toss it to her . " Put it on , we have to walk through the fire and that will help keep you from getting burnt for a bit . " 

She nodded and put it on , I motion for her to follow me . Taking the Fire escape I lead her down to the street . Once safe I turn too her and check her . " Are you ok , do you know if any one else is in there ?" I ask 

She shakes her head , I was the only one in the building . I went to the  labs when the fire broke out due to the emergency water systems in place in case of chemical spills  ." She explains . 

Taking a small sigh of relief , but then I heard a small whirling that seemed to build up quickly . Looking towards the sound I see a man  on a truck pointing an arm cannon at me . 


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Phat Man (Male reader x Marvel )Where stories live. Discover now