Chapter 29

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"Hawkstar, it's been almost a moon since I've last seen the other medicine cats and even longer since I last shared with StarClan. I need to go to the medicine cat meeting tonight," Honeypool meowed.

"The weather's been clear since the storm. I don't see why you can't go. Just stay safe, please. We need our medicine cat," Hawkstar meowed.

"Of course, Hawkstar. I've been enough times by now I could probably make the journey in my sleep."

Honeypool left camp with a spring in her step. It had been too long! She missed her friends dearly, including Cricketsong. She hadn't realized just how important her relationships with her fellow medicine cats and StarClan were until she didn't have them. She hurried through the meadow and entered PineClan territory eagerly.

The young medicine cat didn't realize just how fast she had traveled until her heart jolted as she reached their meeting spot to find she was the first one there. She settled down to wait and was thankful that she wasn't sitting alone with her thoughts for very long. It was no surprise to find Mosspool was the second to arrive.

The big gray tom hurried to meet her and touched noses with her. "I'm so glad you're alright. Even from across the ravine, I could see how damaged the meadow had been from the storm. I've worried about you this entire time and even considered going to check on you, but I didn't want to stir up trouble between our Clans because of it."

Honeypool purred in response, just as happy to be reunited after so long apart.

Mosspool had been an exceptional mentor and cared about her deeply. He actually listened to her and helped her grow and become the medicine cat that she was. It had been harder to leave him than it had been to leave her own father. Probably because Mosspool had been more of a father to her than Beestripe ever had.

Their moment came to an end as the other medicine cats joined them.

"How did everyone handle the storm?" Sunstripe asked.

"Our camp flooded, and we've just been able to return today," Rainsong meowed. "But no cat drowned so that's something to be thankful for."

"GrassClan is well. The storm scared away prey for several days but it's finally coming back, much to everyone's relief," Honeypool meowed.

"We had a few trees fall in our territory but nothing near camp," Sunstripe meowed.

"PineClan wasn't too badly affected by the storm," Mosspool meowed.

They continued on their journey to Star Stones and quickly fell into their familiar rhythm. It was a relief for all of them when they reached the Moon's Heart and took their places around the glowing white stone.

It was good to be back!

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