Beautiful Sunflower

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It's not that humans didn't exist, but they were just extremely rare. Now with the appearance of demons on the ocean-locked island, Any humans in Seito Kingdom had to keep themselves hidden, stay in small camps, don't go out in groups of four, always two. Although a center human woman never liked that plan. Seawen fair skin dusted in freckles, blond hair that looked almost white, and green eyes that appeared like emeralds. She, on this early morning, wearing a worn dress, white fabric on the chest, brown fabric for the skirt, while walking in the forest, two buckets in her hands.

"What a beautiful sunrise," she sighed softly. Her voice was soft and velvety sounding not feminine nor masculine, truly a voice others would be jealous of.

Seawen came across a river, placing the empty piles on the ground before putting her hand in the water feeling the water pass through her fingers before placing the wooden buckets in the water filling them to the top.

She then proceeded to relax, her feet in the water as she cloud gazed. It was a daily occurrence, the longer she could stay away from the human camp, the better she felt. Seawen could have fallen asleep next to the river, although that wasn't going to happen.

The bushes rustling around her caught her attention before demons jump out into the clearing, "We've never tasted human blood before!"

"And you'll never be able to," Seawen retorted.

Before the demon soldiers could attack her, she threw the full buckets at the demons, disorienting them, and swiftly ran in the opposite direction as fast as she could. The bottom of her dress was getting caught on thorn bushes causing it to become more torn than it already was. She couldn't even think about the possibility of being in demon territory or not, all she was concerned about was surviving, Seawen ran for what felt like hours before running into something and falling to the ground.

"Excuse me," a deep voice chuckled.

"Sorry," she huffed.

He was looking down at Seawen as she looked up at him. He was ungodly pale with full pastel, rainbow-like, curls that reached his pecs, long pointed ears that poke out of his hair, gray eyes that were like starlight, deer-like horns that were covered in leaves as well as moss, and oh good Christ he was not wearing a shirt, showing off his defined chest.

"Hello there, sunflower," he spoke, extending a hand to her.


"What's got you running in the woods this early in the morn-ah," his hand grasped her, making him stop, "you're not..."

"Not fae or demon, I know," Seawen chuckled, "could you help me?"

"I... Of course," he replied.

"I am being-no-I was being chased, and I don't know where I am," she explained.

"You are standing on the edge of the fae army's training base."

"Okay, could you help me with something else," Seawen asked.

The fae man nodded, "could you help me get home."

He smiled, "I believe so."

The Fae-made man lead her to the stables, grabbed his trusty steed, helped Seawen on the horse before getting on himself and traveling toward the human camp.

"Can I get the name of this runaway human?"

"Seawen," she answered, "can I get the name of the Fae army man?"

"Orym," he replied, "general Orym."

"Oh, a general," Seawen chuckled.

"One of the greats," Orym replied, "if you are a human, why were we out far enough to be chased."

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