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The chilly breeze caught my attention, as my hair stood on end.The wind blew making my light big blue orb's to shut tight. A bitter feeling came over me causing my spine to tingle. I stretched my arms, wiggled my fingertips as my strawberry red nails twinkled in the lime light.

A short, petite, some what moody brunette you may call me. A messy, shy, giggly,clumsy eighteen-year old girl. A gullible, breath taking, dorky teenager who had braces to complete her horrific look. Who had a crush on all harry potter books, and thought about dating her paper boy.

His golden delicate quiff matched his billionaire smile and light brown orb's. His jaw dropping features and stunning sense of humanity and humour. Everyday he delicately dropped a newspaper on my front yard ever so authentically.

He brought out a different side of me. A side that was easily star struck. The forbidden side of me that never was to be seen or never had been before. His angelic voice rang in my ears like angels announcing the good news of everyday things.

What if I was the paperboy's girlfriend?

He was perfect!

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