Chapter 1

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I yawned, stretching and looked at the time. It was about 8:15 in the morning. I rolled my eyes and tried to fall back to sleep but it was no use. I shrugged and stumbled up out of bed. I strolled to the bathroom and took a quick shower making sure to wash my hair in the process.

I stripped down looking down at my naked body then rushed into the shower.

I came out smelling well "sweet" anyway I wrapped my towel around my damp body and picked out a pair of my light brown 'ugg' boots, long back leggings that hugged my thighs and a loose fitted sweater. I pulled my supple hair into a messy bun and brushed my edges down.

It was another one of those breezy winter days where everyone had snow piling over their front yard which lead to patterns of cold, shimmering almost transparent patterns of ice on their window sill's. Today was December 20, 2014 today was a normal day in Toronto Canada. The sun was hardly every out around this time of year. I took a peek outside to see a stranger outside not just any stranger, that was Ms. Solome Darville owner of the house three blocks from mine and the black Mercedes convertible playing in the snow with her golden retriever. She was very jolly around this time of year, she was the one who came up with the holiday party plans and had the most elaborate decorations year after year after year. In my book it was way to cold to be outside but not just outside anywhere as a matter a fact.

I showed my fake admiration by waving while I walked outside to pick up the mail. I flipped through a few of the envelopes but there was nothing new it was more like the same bills for dad, perfume samples for me, dog toys for Bruno and Bailey and something for frankie but I can't quite but my finger on it.

Dad was at the petting zoo with Bruno and Bailey considering it was his turn to take care of the cheerfully stubborn fleabags. I decided to do what I always do read Harry Potter books, where I hid them you ask the answer is simple under my bed. This was very beneficial because it has to do with my learning process some how. I would think Harry Potter books enhance my knowledge.

The doorbell rang making me flinch and fall off the bed okay it was a self-defence position. I jumped up and ran downstairs. Looking through the peep whole I saw Sam. Fluffy blonde hair, dough, soft brown orb's and bright pearly whites.

I rolled my eyes as she shook me ever so "gently" and said "What are you doing here being boring the same old huh?" It was like she was talking to herself she talked alot and for that reason she kept me up beat she was the one who wanted to do things and be brilliant I just wanted to stay home, alone and dorky if you ask me I would say opposites attract.

How we became friends is a mystery to me but I will never forget her warm hugs. I snapped out of it when she started leading me upstairs. "It's four o'clock." she said. "And?" I replied. She smirked making her lips lopsided and eyes slightly squinted.

She acted as if I was playing stupid but I wasn't my curiousity never failed me but this time It really did. What could happen at four I wondered not jumping to any conclusions. She glared at me her gaze getting deeper and the minutes grew shorter as time ran by.

"paperboy..." She sang in my ears.

PaperboyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ