Chapter One

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Tear Apart the Life and Time of Familiar Faces
And Tracing Lines to What Connects Me & Binds Me
Images of the Remote and Never-Changing
Grand Desires, Style and Grace
And, Am I?

"He-hey Bri, wh-what's your la-last name?"

Brian's features scrunched on his face as he peered up from his phone with a confused expression. Toby lay in between him and Tim in their now overly sized bed (Brian practically fought with Tim about actually laying down money for a bigger, better one; thankfully, though, no one would miss the one they 'found', all things considered); with Toby sitting against the headboard monotonously and Tim sitting likewise near the edge in order to better see his book via lamp light. Tim barely seemed to acknowledge the question himself, only glancing up from his book momentarily with a raised eyebrow before returning his attention to it.

"I'm sorry?" Brian asked, plopping his phone on his chest and cocking his head to one side as he looked up at the other curiously.

"We-well," Toby went on hesitantly, focus now drifting to his bandaged hands that lay in his lap, "it's ju-just, I al-already knew T-Timmy's, an-and my la-last name is all - is all you guys ev-ever called me f-for a while, but I don't -- I don't th-think I ever he-heard yours."

Huh. Now that Toby said it, Brian wasn't sure he'd actually ever given anyone his last name before (besides Tim, of course; but considering they knew each other before all of this, Brian wasn't sure he counted), much less Toby. Wasn't such an important thing to give out, he guessed, especially in a house full of killers who could already fuck your life around without needing to know every little detail about you.

"Thomas," Brian spoke after a moment and nodded, moving to look at his phone once more.

"Brian Thomas," Toby mused aloud to what seemed like no one in particular, though earning grins and glances from the other two. "Heh, I like that."

"Meh, I think I like yours better, honestly," Brian shrugged as he gazed back at the other. "Tobias Rodgers. At least it doesn't sound like your first and last name are your first and middle name."

"Nah, yours is totally better!" Toby beamed. "I bet your middle name doesn't sound like a girl's name." Brian seemed to think for a moment, before nodding in agreement.

"I dunno," Tim interjected with a shrug, all the while not taking his eyes off of his book, "I think your names would sound a lot better with my last name."

One could easily hear Brian coo at the statement from anywhere in the house. Yet Toby interjected before the blonde could actually speak.
"But wouldn't that be incest, then?" asked the hatchet weilding killer, obviously oblivious.

Tim's gaze shot up from his book then, brows raised and a rather amused expression plastered on his face. One could hear Brian attempting not to laugh as his phone landed on the bed.

"Wha--? Toby, no!" Tim began to giggle, which turned into full on laughter as his book was forgotten on his lap, one hand moving to place a thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose. "That's not what I meant at all! Oh my God!"

Toby looked confused as he glanced between the other two, wondering what was so funny about incest. Brian shifted until he was seated upright as he chuckled; an arm moving around Toby's waist as he planted a kiss on the other's cheek with a muttered, "You're so lucky you're adorable."

"Wh-what?" asked Toby, still quite confused. "I do-don't get it. Wouldn't it be incest?"

"No, Toby," Brian rolled his eyes, chuckle growing louder now. "He meant taking his last name like -- marriage, you Dodo."

Any semblance of composure Tim was starting to regain was lost instantly as he began to laugh loudly again, clutching his stomach as if in pain. Toby was just glad he had a pretty nice laugh, else Tim might have been pushed off the bed for even laughing in the first place. Toby's cheeks began to flare red, his brain stalling momentarily as it made the realization, as well as made him feel promptly stupid.

"Oh," was Toby's quiet reply, earning a snort and kiss to the cheek from Brian; Toby happily leaned into the touch.

"God, I love you, you idiot," Tim spoke as he slowly but surely began to regain his composure again. Wiping a tear from his face, the raven haired man leaned over and kissed Toby's other cheek and earned a half giggle, half squeal as his embarrassment seemingly began to fade.

"Yeah," Toby chortled in response, "but I'm your guy's idiot."

Brian snorted, half jokingly hitting Toby with one of their many pillows they had adorning the bed (really, it was getting to be more of a problem for Toby than his tourettes; but they supposed they couldn't complain) which earned another giggling squeal --

And suddenly there was an all out brawl as Tim joined in, mainly to 'protect' Toby and causing a ruckus between the three as pillows were flung about and thrown every which way. They were probably annoying the select few that decided to sleep at this hour -- but they supposed moments like this were heavily needed, especially in the world they lived in. And for them, it was worth it.

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