Bonus Chapter

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"Alright," Jane all but demanded as she appeared in the open door to the Proxy's room, "what'd you guys give to Tim while you were out?"

Brian's nose scrunched as he looked up from his Gameboy, head tilting to one side. Without her mask, Jane seemed even more terrifying than usual; but he knew she meant well. Especially when it came to Tim; Brian could've sworn that if Tim hadn't gotten with he and Toby, Jane would have likely been his third choice -- if not for the fact that they acted more like siblings than spouses.

"Eh?" was all Brian muster in his confusion, sitting up on the bed as he closed the game. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Cause," Jane sputtered, hands going to her hips as if she were a mother scolding her child, "he's acting all weird and, like -- super nice to everyone!"

"I mean, that's not really too big of a --"

"Even Jack," Jane butt in, leaning forward slightly. Brian pulled a face as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"Well, LJ's never gave him a reas--"

"No," Jane butt in one more, sounding stern as her brows raised, "not Laughing Jack. The other Jack."

Now was when the concern shown on Brian's face. He stood up quickly, making his way to the door.

"Like, right now?" Brian asked as Jane moved out of the door to let him pass, following quickly behind him to the stairs that led to the living room and kitchen.

"Nah, Jack ending up leaving right quick," Jane snorted, "'cause he thought Tim was, and I quote, 'acting super gay' being suddenly friendly to him like that.'" Brian snorted. "Though I think Jeff's about to blow a gasket." Their feet thudded down the stairs noisily, the sounds of voices waiting from the kitchen. "He's trying to see if Tim's trying to pull something on him or not and -- I can't say I blame him," Jane chuckled as they reached the bottom, Brian turning into the kitchen, "it's kinda weird."

Sure enough, it was pretty weird. Brian stopped short as he stepped into the kitchen with Jane half running into him. He couldn't really be too annoyed, though; not with the smell of popcorn wafting through the kitchen as a new bag popped in the microwave with BEN standing guard to it as it cooked, a board game set up on the kitchen table -- it looked like Candy Land, which was likely LJ's idea, comically -- with LJ, Tim, Laz and Sally sat around the table gleefully playing. Jeff seemed to also be a part of the game, albeit standing on a side without a chair and seemingly as far away as possible from Tim as they played. Two bowls -- one filled with candy, the other half filled with popcorn -- sat off to the side, the girls occasionally reaching their grubby hands into it to get fistfuls of whatever they wanted some.

This was certainly a strange sight to see. Granted, Tim would gladly drop almost anything he was doing if Sally or Lazarus asked them to play with Laughing Jack usually joining in merrily. But the other two? Sure, BEN often played video games or more childish games with the girls on occasion, but Jeff? Usually the scar-faced killed had to be all but roped and dragged into doing anything with them -- much less if Tim was there as well. Jeff had an odd hatred for Tim that the others were unsure about. Sure, Tim was likely one of the most authoritative figures there, and Jeff seemed to loath any forms of authority -- but that came naturally with being a Proxy of the Operator, as he often expected the older two Proxys to keep the house sane and calm whenever he couldn't be there to watch over them. But to try and kill Tim on at least five separate occasions (that Brian knew about)? That puzzled Brian, at the very least.

"Brian!" Sally gasped happily upon realizing he and Jane were watching wide eyed from the kitchen. "You wanna play, too?" she asked.

"Please?" Lazarus whined, reaching in the candy bowl for more chocolate.

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