A Road Trip!

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I wanted to follow to manga plot, that ended up happening...


"Willow?" Sebastian asks as he cleans a cup with a soapy cloth. "Hm?" She replies, putting her thoughts on hold. "Why are you never in your cat form anymore?" It sounded almost like he was pouting. If only his back wasn't turned to her..

"Oh. Well, Ciel asked me to stay in my human form. He said something about him being allergic, and finding it plain weird." She said, followed with a bored sigh. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason in particular." He replied. Lies. Willow though. That was such a lie. Another sigh.

"Oh! Before I forget, I was talking to Finny, and-" this time Sebastian sighed. "-Just hold on. Anyway, he mentioned something about a road trip? To a resort?" Willow swished her tail.

"Ah, right. That." He sighed. Yet again. What's with all the sighing? "Whaaat? It sounds like fun! Don't like resorts or something?" Sebastian turned around to look at me. "No, I'm just not too fond of dogs, I'd all. And the whole town is filled with them." Willow fake gasped. "What? But their so cute! And lovable!"

Sebastian growled. "I figured you out of all people would understand." "What made you think that?" Willow asked. He just stared at the top of the girls head. "Hm?"

She twitched her ears. "oh, right, well, don't get me wrong, I do prefer cats. They're quiet, smart, and are capable of taking care of theirselves." "I agree." Sebastian said in reply, turning back to finish up with his dishes.

Willow yawned and got up, she stopped at the door frame. "Oh, and when are we going?" She asked turned back around to face the butler. "Today." Willow through her hands up in the air. "Why does no one tell me these things?!" She said and walked out.

After that, preparations wher made to leave. Finny put most of the bags and suit cases into to wagon, since everyone else was packing things. Sebastian tended to Ciel as usual, and Willow had been wasting time thinking.

Once everything was done, each person loaded into the wagon. Willow sat in the back wagon with the servants while Ciel and his butler sat in the one in front. With that, they where off. No one knew where they where going specifically, they where just told it was a resort, who where they to question it?

-Willow's Point of View-

Mey-Rin was happily Jabbering on about how lucky we where the 'young master' had decided to bring us. I just smiled and nodded with everyone else. They just seemed so ecstatic! Of course, they have habits of making anything fun or interesting, but this was definitely going to be fun regardless.

After a while the air started to get damp and musky. An old woman with a stroller came into view, it looked like she needed help. Quickly Finny got Tanaka to stop the cart, so he could jump out and help. "Finny be careful! Make sure not to hurt that baby!" I said along with Mey-Rin.

Like he was ignoring us, with probably almost all his strength, he lifted -more like threw- the stroller then put it down with lots of blunt force and apologized franticly. "Is the baby's okay?!" I asked and jumped out to see.

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