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"DILLION, GILLIGAN, my office, now." Barked Captain Hughes from his office. Max Dillion's head popped up from her paperwork. Shit, she thought. They were so busted. She looked over at Gilligan who was already looking at her. His eyes were dark, there were bags under his eyes. His hair looked unkempt which was unusual for him. He'd been acting strange as of late, but Max didn't make much of it. She never did. Maybe that's why she didn't catch the signs that were right in front of her face before it was too late.

Max dropped her pen and rose from her chair. She hadn't notice until now but all eyes were on her and Jay. Shit.

"What do you think he wants?" Max whispered to Jay as they walked to Hughes' office together.

Jay's eyes averted from her. "Probably nothing." Though, he wasn't sure himself. He hoped it was nothing. Jay knocked softly on the Captain's door and entered. The blinds were closed leaving the room with very little light. The room smelled musty and the air was thick with cigar smoke.

"You wanted to see us?" Gilligan asked before Dillion could.

Hughes motioned for them to come in. "Have a seat." Gilligan glanced at Dillion and opened the door wider for Dillion to go in first. She reluctantly moved past him and into the cramped office. Hughes hadn't been Captain for long, so not all of his things had been unpacked.

Though they hadn't known him long either, seeing as he came from New York originally, they had a lot of respect for him as both a Captain and even a friend.

Dillion and Gilligan sat in the red velvet chairs across from his desk. Dillion crossed folded her arms in her lap and bounced her leg nervously. Gilligan, who took notice to her bouncing leg, placed a gentle hand on her leg to calm her. She stopped and looked at the Captain who was busy pouring glasses of Scotch.

He slid the across his desk, one for each of the Detectives. "Drink up, we have much to celebrate." The Captain smiled as he himself drank his glass of Scotch in one gulp. Dillion, whom didn't drink much and was far too nervous to even look at it, avoided her glass.

Gilligan on the other hand took his and drank greedily. The Captain smiled and poured the two of them another glass. "So, what are we celebrating exactly?" Dillion asked nervously.

"Ah, yes." He said setting his glass down. "We've caught a break in the Crawford rape case." He rolled over to his filing cabinet and searched through it looking for something. Dillion and Gilligan exchanged expressions of relief.

"Here it is," the Captain had rolled back over to his desk and showed them Crawford's rape case file. "Kathleen Crawford picked out Julian Ford in a line up. Said he was the man who raped who. He was who we had originally had as a suspect, but, someone lied for him for an alibi." He gave them the folder to look over.

Dillion held it for both her and Gilligan to read. She remembered him. He was the cocky so-of-a-bitch who tried to get in her pants. Of course Gilligan didn't take kindly to it, and he made sure he knew. Julian ended up with a broken nose and told everyone he got it from running into a wall.

"Where is he now?" Gilligan asked and shut the folder giving it back to Hughes.

Hughes looked at Jay with great restrain. The two stared at each other with such intensity it made Max nervous. "He's located on 12th street." Jay stood up immediately and Max followed suit more slowly. "You two have to be careful. Julian has people working for him. They could be armed." Hughes also stood and walked to the door of his office. He held it open for them.

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