No, I'm Just Lonely

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I recommend that you read this book very slowly.

Braixen POV

I was walking through my field of crops when I saw something in the distance laying in my path.

As I came closer. I could see a figure laying on the ground. It was a person. As soon as I realized that I started running towards it.

I stopped and looked down at him. He was a long and bulky figure with black hair and white skin with burns all over his arms. He was wearing a tight, torn, Grey shirt, a black, burned puffer jacket with no sleeves, black pants and black and white trainers.

I got on my knees and started inspecting him more thoroughly his burns looked fresh, his jacket looked new but ruined by the burns, his trainers were dirty and his muscles were showing through his shirt, he was laying there for a while now because the sweat caused by the heat caused his skin to shine.


I pulled the garden cart closer to my couch where I pushed him on and I placed his backpack next to the couch, I didn't have the physical strength to pick him up and lay him down so I had to improvise.

I took off his jacket, removed his shirt, his shoes and socks. His chest was shining due to sweat, his abbs were perfect, hard as a rock. Shoulders bulky and arms thique. Forearms like steele.
I couldn't contain myself and my tail started wagging like crazy, he was truly gifted. My paws ignored the sweat and started exploring his body, I moved them up and down his abdomen three times before I moved up to his chest where I gropped his pecks. Not even trying to resist my blush. I quickly sat down on the ground, looked at my paws and gasped.

"What am I doing?" I questioned myself.

I slowly got up and tried to focus while my mind was busy making up scenarios.

"Why do I find him attractive, he might be a bad person and he'll probably sell me to Team Rocket!"

I started treating him with bandages and berries.

"I hope you don't have a fever, you'll be okay."

I put my right paw on his forehead and his head felt cooler than expected even though he laid in the sun for probably three to 4 hours.

It was pointless to put his clothes back on because he was so heavy and his clothes were damaged. But I did wash them for him for when he does wake up.

It's been three hours and he still hasn't woken up.

"Smelling salts!"

I thought to myself.

I grabbed my smelling salts out of my kitchen cupboard, and rushed to put it in front of his nose.

He slowly opened his eyes and all of a sudden jumped up at the smell. He looked at me as I removed the salts from the position it was in.

"Oh its just smelling salts, oldest trick in the book." He said with a cool accent.

His body quickly got relaxed and he layed back down.


He jumped up again.

"Where am I, where's your trainer what happened to my clothes?!"

I got on my knees and placed both paws on his chest.

"Calm down will ya!"

He calmed down and looked into my eyes.

He had beautiful, ocean blue eyes that stared straight into my soul.

I quickly removed my paws and placed them on both of my knees.

A RED letter day with BRAIXENOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant