I Took A Seat

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Ehtan POV

I woke up to an amazing smell. By the great smell the food had to be good, I hoped.

I slowly got up from the couch, looked at my surroundings and my eye caught her in a pretty, pink apron.

"Hey." I calmly said wanting for her to turn around. And draw her attention towards me.

Her tail started wagging to the sound of my voice and she quickly turned around.

"I see you're awake sleepy head, haven't you had enough sleep?"

"I see you're happy to see hear my voice again."

I took the bandages off my arms and when I looked back up at her she was standing in front of me.

"What are you doing?!" She asked as she quickly put her hands on her hips.

"Well you didn't tell me not to remove them."

"Mmm, how was I supposed to, you were unconscious."

I looked up into her eyes and I offered her to take the bandages from my hands.

"I'll put them back on later."

She took the bandages and placed them onto the table behind her.

"Dinner will be ready in ten minutes okay."

She walked away and I stood up from the couch.

"Do you mind me taking a shower before dinner?" I asked hoping for her to say no.

"No not at all!" She pointed to the bathroom door.

Braixen POV

As he left the living room I felt a shiver go down my spine. The thought of him naked started racing through my mind. I finished up and left the food to cool down while I waited for Ethan to come out.

"Should I? No I shouldn't! What if he spots me, what then...What's the worst that can happen?"

I walked to the bathroom door and opened it slowly. That's when I saw it.
His legs were perfectly toned, he had fine, chiseled cheeks and his back muscles were outstanding.

I closed the door too scared to see the rest of him. Upon fully shutting the door It made a noise. I jumped and ran back to the kitchen table.

Ethan POV

While I was turning off the water I heard a thump and something that sounded like steps running away. I ignored it, it was probably just Braixen, I got myself ready for dinner. I had to put on my jacket, I couldn't eat dinner without covering my top.

I took a seat in front of her.

"How was your shower?" She asked shyly looking down at her plate.

"What a weird question to ask me, but yeah it was good."

As we ate dinner she started to conversate with me.

"Has anybody ever told you what beautiful body you have?" She said as she shyly looked away.

"No, not that I can recall of. Has anybody ever told you how heavenly soft your furr looks." I said confidently.

We both finished our plates shortly after and continued to talk. After some time passed an idea popped up in my head.

"Hey, Braixen. The moons out tonight, it would be a shame to miss it, wanna go for a walk with me?"

"Yes please!"

She looked at me with such excitement even though it was just a walk.

We walked and talked for a couple of minutes until something caught my eye.

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