Chapter 26: Doubtful

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“This is so embarrassing.” I groaned, covering my face with my hands. My cheeks were burning and I couldn’t look Noah in the eyes.

He started laughing again. I dropped my hands long enough to slap his arm. “This isn’t funny!”

                I came home a few days ago after ten days in the hospital, but my parents couldn’t stay with me all the time. Noah has taken up residence in Ash’s old room until I get better. He checks on me constantly through the night, sometimes he falls asleep on the floor. Some nights can be worse than others. Like the pain and nightmares. I haven’t told Noah about the nightmares and I was afraid to. He already apologizes a million times a day and I felt horrible.

                Today is a day that has actually been good. It doesn’t hurt as much to walk, but I still have a little bit of a limp because I’m scared the stiches will pop open. But I heard Noah laugh today, something I haven’t heard since I got home. He’s been quite serious. His face always holds that hint of remorse. He handles me like I’m about to break, but I am much stronger than that.

                It’s Noah I’m worried about. He hasn’t talked about any of it. He never mentions his dad, rarely mentions his mom. Scott never comes up in conversation either. I don’t want him to hold all of that in because of me. I want him to talk to me because I know it’s hard to talk to his mom right now.

                Speaking of his mom, Carrie has been supportive. She sends flowers every day and my room smells like spring. She’s only came to visit me once and that didn’t go well. She basically broke down and I couldn’t do anything to help her. She apologized more than Noah has, but of course, nothing Leo did was her fault and I didn’t want her to think that. Noah made sure she got the letter I wrote her. She hasn’t said anything about it, but I’m hoping everything’s okay.

                I shut off my mind and turned back to the snickering boy in front of me. “If you don’t stop laughing I swear I will kick your ass.” I said seriously.

But that only made him laugh harder. “You’re about as intimidating as a rabbit.”

                “Then come closer and I’ll show you how hard I can bite.” I narrowed my eyes, sending him a glare.

His blue eyes held a small sparkle when he smiled. “Now you’re just teasing me.”

I stuck my tongue out at him and he lifted me up carefully from my bed. “I really don’t want you to do this. I can wait for my mom to get home.” Even then, it’s still awkward. And I basically do most of it myself. Noah's taking this duty too seriously.

                “I’ve seen you naked before.” He chuckled. “And besides, your mom is working late. So you’re stuck with me.”

I sent him another glare as he sat me down on the edge of the bathtub. “The undergarments stay on.”

He smirked at me before placing his hands on the hem of my shirt. I lifted my arms up and felt a slight sting on my side that caused me to wince. “I’m fine.” I said quickly.

                He pulled the shirt over my head completely and threw it to the side. Next went the sweatpants. Noah didn’t make me uncomfortable but the thought of my boyfriend giving me a sponge bath made me squeamish.

                Noah was gentle. He started at my legs, working up to my neck. He left a small kiss behind on my jaw before pulling away from me when his job was finished. “Was it seriously that bad?” He asked, taking a towel to my back. “If you must know…no, but still, you’re never doing it again.”

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