Villain rising

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Growing up in this miserable place called earth, Y/n tried her best to perfect in everyone else eye's. she dressed up, put on makeup, pushed away her family to focus on being perfect, smiled even though it hurt, and being nice yet no one noticed her. They ignored her, bullied her, and didn't even care.

It was like that until one day she had gotten a call from the hospital saying that her parents had died in a car crash. Regret, grief, sadness, sorrow, and anger filled her, tears escaped her eyes as she cried and cried. Her heart was broken and she felt empty, the only people who loved her, cared for her were gone and she would never see then again.

she spent the next few days in her home, refusing to eat or do anything. One day she was watching TV looking through channels to find something to watch when she stumbled on the news talking about a group of villains that had attacked U.S.J. Her eyes widened, the only two types of people who were widely know were heroes and villains. when she had tried to be a hero she failed the entrance exam so she wasn't qualified to be a hero and gave up that dream.
Maybe if she became a villain she would finally be noticed and feared.

She liked that idea and started going to gyms and getting stronger, practicing her quirk in places where only she knows. she did only small crimes for a while until she made sure that she was ready for something bigger. For her first big crime she was going to bring down the pro hero Mt. Lady one of her bullies from her old school. She had went to her house and killed her, it was to easy so she planned murder after murder, most of them were regular people who angered her or her old bullies. She soon was known as (Villain name), as her old name y/n was dead and forever forgotten. She was always careful when she murdered someone, she always left no trace of her presence except a small note with a small quote

"be careful of what you say to someone, you might have just set the day death comes"- (villain name) 

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