The Figure

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I found myself in Crystal Lake's local bar that crisp summer night. Cluttered chatter grew muggy around me as I remained on my barstool right up front. I didn't know how long I was there. Where would I go when I left? Home, I guessed. There was nothing here in this town for me anymore. I drummed my fingers against the side of my glass. I rested my arms on the bar and stared down the bottom of my glass.

"Mind if I top you up there, stranger?" I heard the old bartender ask.

I raised my head and brushed some of my greying hair off my forehead.

"Yes, please." I rasped out.

I slid my glass across the bar to him. He poured more liquid into my cup skilfully.

"Lovely manners." Said the bartender.

"I was a nanny in my youth. Had to have lovely manners." I replied with a small smile.

The older man wheezed out a chuckle. "You're certainly not from around here then. Being so close to the city, these people can be rude as shit."

It was my turn to laugh, the first genuine smile gracing across my features for the first time that day.

"Well, I actually moved here back in the fifties. I wasn't here for too long. The child I was a nanny for passed away." I brooded.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." The bartender replied.

"No, no. It's okay. That was a long time ago." I glanced out the window glumly.

"Hey...? It wasn't that ole retarded boy who drowned in the lake, was it? Mrs Voorhees' son? That crazed kook who murdered all them kids?" The man asked.

His thick grey eyebrows raised and he leaned over the bar.

"No," I lied. "No, it wasn't that boy."

I took a big swig of my drink.

I staggered slowly down the sidewalk. I wasn't going to drink so much. A younger man on the other side of the bar, bought us both a round of shots. It was strange to me at first that a young man like him would be interested in an older person like myself but I guessed that was what the kids were into these days. An older man or woman to spend all their money on them. Not me though. I wasn't exactly interested but took the shots anyway, downing them quick then cringing out a face due to the strong taste.

I shouldn't of been walking back to my motel room at night as drunk as I was. But this was a small town, and what could once hurt you here was dead and gone.

"Dead and gone." I whispered to myself.

The stingy light up sign of the motel flickered in the darkness ahead. I sniffled quietly and wiped my eyes as my already blurry vision worsened from grief stricken tears. I managed to stumble into my motel room rather fine. I fumbled with the light switch clumsily before I was met with the harsh grainy light. I screwed my teary eyes shut at the light and shielded my face with a hiss.

"Damn..." I slurred.

I shuffled awkwardly over to the bedroom, knocking over the floor lamp by the tv in the process. I gritted my teeth as the lampshade fell to the floor with a clang. I relaxed a little when it clattered to the carpet but still remained unbroken. A small exhale left me and I continued across the living room to the bedroom. I stumbled past the kitchen doorway, but paused.

In the corner of my eye, a large shadow illuminated by the moon slivered through the kitchen. I stood dead still and didn't dare turn my head to look through said doorway. The shadow moved again and this time I heard a small footstep with it. My first thought was that it was Jason, but then to it being an intruder. But then Jason again.

Was it his ghost visiting me?

"Jason," I stated more than anything in my drunken haze.

My eyes finally snapped to the doorway as a hulking figure pushed itself through and engulfed my frame with its cold shadow. Just as I thought I would sober up at least a little, I tripped forward and collided with a firm chest. I gripped onto the figure's button down shirt, my fingers clenching the fabric. My forehead rested against the man before me. I leaned into him in an attempt to regain my balance.

When I managed to stabilise myself to stand for a few moments, I blinked in the bright lights. I finally got a glimpse of the man that found himself in my motel room. He was no longer a shadow in the night as the fluorescent bulbs above us flickered.

The tall man stood there in a green button down and work pants. He was bald and cleanly shaven with distinctive, piercing eyes. One green, and one blue. The muscular man was deformed, a crooked mouth and his eyes were asymmetrically placed.

Drunken tears bubbled over my waterlines.

"Jason...!" I slurred out in a coo. My arms spread out wide before they snapped shut tightly around the man's waist. "Oh, Jason! I thought you died again! I thought you died..." I sobbed loudly into his chest.

I felt Jason snake his own arms around my form too. I continued to blubber out his name against him and cry. My blurry eyes met his and before I even knew what I was doing, my lips collided with his.

Life In Pink: Jason Voorhees x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now