Chapter 6 - Zombies

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     In the evening Ashley came over for a visit with Sandra. The three of them was sitting in his room talking about the night before. Ashley did most of the talking or rather most of the screaming.


     Ashley was pacing the room while shouting. Apparently she didn't know that David calling in sick had something to do with the dead man. Apparently there was an article in the newspaper but no mention of  David or Valery's presence. David didn't tell the girls about Valery. Just telling them he stumbled onto the corpse was bad enough, he didn't need to tell that the woman occupying his thoughts day in and day out is connected as well.

     "Ash you have to relax." Sandra said and grabbed Ashley's arm as she walked past "I know you're worked up but can we at least be happy he's okay?" Ashley stops pacing and look at David. David saw that there were tears in her eyes. She walked over and hugged him. David looked over at Sandra who gives the thumbs up. She then walks over and join them in the hug.

    "I'm glad you're okay." Ashley whispers while burying her face on his shoulder and David could feel her sobbing. Sandra broke off and whispered "I'll go get some tea" and slowly walk out of the room. David puts his hand and gently stroke Ashley's head.

     Ashley and him have been friends since they were little. She never used to be like this. She changed after an incident while they were little. Ashley always was a bit wild and on that day she decided to climb a big tree in the park. She urged David to follow. They didn't know that there were fire ants on the tree and David was unlucky enough to have touch a swarm. Thing is he was quite a ways up the tree before he was bitten and let go of the tree, crashing to the ground. He broke his right arm and leg and he remembered how panicked Ashley was. She even spent her days with him making sure he feels better. He also remembers her crying every time he winced in pain and continuously saying sorry over and over. She is brash and rude sometimes but there is no doubt in David's mind that she is the kindest person he knows.

      Sandra comes back in with a tray of tea and David slowly break off the hug and David could see her eyes were red from crying. David took a deep breath and said "You're right I should've taken more care. I was lucky it wasn't me that was ki...hurt" David caught himself when he sees That Ashley started to pout again.

     "Maybe you should take a ride with us whenever you work late. Even if you weren't a target it's not safe" Sandra said as she passes a cup of tea to him then one to Ashley. David nods and says "I'll take you up on that".  

    They spent the rest of the day talking. Ashley starts getting calmer after a few hours. They excuse themselves and went home close to 10 pm. Before they go both of them hugged David tightly before getting in the car and drove on home. David could feel the loneliness set in. Just his luck that his dad had to go to Highfer which was six stations over to meet his editor. Usually when he goes there he would stay at a hotel. He was reluctant to leave but David convince him it was fine and the vents the night before was a coincidence. Shane relents and instructs David to miss call him if anything stranger than usual happens. It could take him a while to teleport home but he said it's faster than taking the train.

     David locked all the doors and turned all the porch lights on as well as the backyard lights. He took a shower and went to his room. He looked at the scar on his neck and wished Valery had healed it too.

     Valery. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also a detective. It's like god just decided one day to give 200% in his creation. David was in his lying in his bed when he heard the sound of a door opening. David sat up. Is it dad?  David thought to himself. That sounded like it was coming from the back door so it was weird. His dad would've come in from the front door especially if he is coming back at night.

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