Chapter 1:Calling Card

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Almond is a very overworked detective, he never gets what he wants and that is; a day off.
He always has to take care of so many cases, he barely even stays at home. He barely plays with his daughter neither....

~Main Story~

Almond sighs as he sets his coffee cup down on the table. He looks towards the glassed window.
He groans in pain due of all the stress.
He threw a fist full of dull coins that seems to have lost their sparkle.

As he left the cafe he received a call, "detective Almond speaking". "Sir, there is another case of robbery!" Says the person on the other side of the call. "Where?" Says Almond trying his best not to sound too stressed. "At the Parfaedias jewelry store sir!" Replies the nervous person. "Ill be there...just wait.."

He emidietly rushes to the scene. "I am here"....."Thank gooodness!" The man handed a printed file to Almond. Almond quickly said his thank-yous to the man, and emidietly began investigating.

His suspicions were all confirmed, the thief was a smart one. No footprints, no crumbs and all the cases that the thief stole from was shut, like it was never touched.

There was only one evidence that made it all obvious, Blue cheese molds. It cannot be seen without a magnifying glass, but with a help of one
It was obvious, the mold was everywhere...

Almond emidietly went to the roof of the store
It was cold and windy, Almond felt his coat fluttering. He was shocked that it managed to stay on his shoulders. He couldnt help but feel frightened as he looked down below him. With the building being terrebly high off the ground. Almond gulped, trying to force any fears he had because of the height.

"Well, well! If it isnt my most favorite detective!" The figure, hidden in the shadows, was now illuminated by the moonlight. Almond faintly hissed in frustration. His suspicions were all right, and Roguefort, who revealed themself to face Almond. Their cape fluttering gracefully along the wind..

"Roguefort!" He says with a harsh tone. He whipped out his cuffs and as his hand stretched to toss his almond handcuffs, " you are under arrest for gem theft of the diamonds in Parfaedia jewelry store! Do you not know how hard the other cookies worked for those?! not to mention, you even-"

"Catch!" Almonds words were all ignored and interrupted by the words of the thief. They pulled an envelope out their pocket and threw it to the detective. Almond quickly tried to reach it, the wind almost blew it away but he maniged to catch it in time. It was a calling card with little hearts on it, and a wax stamp colored in teal. With loopy writing. "Ah, nice catch detective" Roguefort winked at him as he looked towards them. He couldnt help but admire all the effort put into it. "You may read it later. But for now, catch me if you can detective!" The thief started jumping over buildings one by one. Almond didnt do anything but stare at them.

☆Time Skip☆

He shut the door behind him as he went in his house. He closed his eyes trying to rest them, and when he opened them walnut was there, hugging his legs as usual. Almond smiled as he picked her up " hello there hunny" he says tirely while setting her down on the ground. "What took you so long papa??" The curious Walnut asks, "there was a case that took quite a long time". Walnut started to search for any files in his coat, seems like she cares more about the case rather than her dad.

Almond quickly and gently pushes her away and checking if the calling card was still there. He sighs.

"Dont do that Walnut.."

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