Chapter 5: Good Morning

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🏳️‍🌈Papa Almond⛾
I said i wanted to make the next chapter fluff but i realized, i dont know how-
Anyway enjoy


⛾Almond's POV⛾
I woke up from a rustling sound in the kitchen..
I stood up and went there,
Rogue was there. They were peacefully cooking...pancakes?
Hah, pancakes..
Walnut was also there, sitting exited for the pancakes.

"Ah! Good morning darlin'~" Roguefort says cheerfully.
"Good morning dear.." i said a bit tired 'coz i barely got any sleep last night. (I WONDER HOWWW I WONDER WHY-)

"No good morning for me? :<" Walnut asks out of no where
"Good morning too Walnut." I replie to her.

"Pancakes are readyyy!~"
"Shhh Walnut shut it"

I sit down beside Walnut while Rogue started setting the plates & pancakes.
"Eat up my darling's~" Rogue says setting their own plate of pancakes.
"Why is mine diffrent from the both of you?" I ask looking at my pancakes with little chocolate hearts and loopy writing saying "Dt. Almond" in syrup.
"Because my darling, i wanted to make it look beautiful!~" "oh.. thanks Rogue." I say smiling at his and blushing.

~{After eating}~

"That was delicious!" Walnut says while standing up, getting her plate and putting it on the sink.
"I agree. That was great." I also say and doing the same as walnut.
"Oh dont you flatter me again!~" Rogue says blushing out of embarrassment.

"What shall we do today?" Rogue asks
"How" I say.
"Yay! Lets go!" Rogue and Walnut excitingly say.
"Alr alr let me change first."

🏳️‍🌈Papa Almond⛾
Sorry its kind of a hanger cliff/cliff hanger idk how to say that-
Anyway sorry i wasnt making a story my little nutty kids T^T

Thats all :D

[Word count:295]

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